A Blush

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Susan's and Lucy's cries were muffled as I struggled against Maugrim. My dagger was out of reach when he tackled me from behind. My hands pushed his face as far as they could go before the strong wolf pushed back, getting closer to biting my face off.

I grunted and I kicked his stomach causing him to yelp. With the little distraction, I scrambled to my dagger that was only an inch from my fingertips but I cried out in pain as I felt a pair of teeth on my calf.

Trying to ignore the searing pain, I strained out to reach the knife. Tears prickle in the corners of my eyes as I clenched my teeth together in pain as my blood fell out of the open wound. 


With the cool feeling of the dagger's handle in my hand, I quickly turn around and stab it into the side of Maugrim who squealed in pain. He whimpered, letting go of my leg. I winced in pain as hurried footsteps came rushing towards us. Peter's gaze settled on my tense form as I clutched onto my injured leg. His face scrunched up in anger, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at the wolf who was once clutching my leg in its mouth. My dagger still pinned into his side.

I saw Lucy about to jump down the tree with her cordial in hand but I immediately stopped her, not wanting her to get hurt. 

"Get back!" Peter warned at Maugrim. He made his way towards me, making sure to put some distance between me and Maugrim.

"Peter!" Susan and Lucy screamed as the second wolf jumped at them again. We all watched as Maugrim taunted Peter who stood with shaking hands but determination and bravery in his eyes.

"Come on. We've already been through this before. We both know you haven't got it in you."

I grabbed another dagger and aimed it at the second wolf. I cursed at myself for leaving myself unarmed of my bow.

"Peter!" Susan shouted. "Watch out!"

I heard more footsteps coming out from the tree line. I didn't turn to see who it was, not wanting to be stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. 

I heard a squeal, finally twisting — as much as I could — to see who it was. I saw Aslan pinning the wolf to the ground with his heavy paw. Orieus took a step forward with his weapon drawn to help but Aslan stopped him.

"No! Stay your weapons. This is Peter's battle." Even though He said this, I can see the dilemma in his large, calming eyes how much he wanted to rush over to me and take me away... like how he did so many years ago.

"You may think you're a king, but you're going to die..." Maugrim taunts before growling, "... like a dog!" 

"PETER!" I screamed, my hand stretched out in front of me as Maugrim leaped straight at him. They both tumbled to the ground.

My heart clenched, my stomach dropped at the possibility of Peter being dead. That Maugrim had killed the High King and Narnia had lost a Prophecy. 

"Oh, please, on Aslan's mane..." I prayed. "Let Peter be alive. Don't let me lose another friend."

A tear fell, a tear that I didn't know had fallen until I felt water splatter on my hand. And I didn't bother to push it away. The pain in my calf was dull compared to the ache in my heart but they both flowed with blood either way.

"Peter!" His sisters call jumping from the tree. Running towards the fallen pair in front of me. Together, they push the wolf away before releasing a breath of relief when they saw Peter slowly sitting up with a shaken up expression. I sighed in relief quietly, a small smile appeared on my face. All of my worries and fears slip away.

Narnia's Shadow // Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now