Kissed By An Angel

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I gasped, greedily gulping the air as my chest inflamed and I sat up. My hands searched the wound where the dagger once was but they only found a tear in my second favorite dress. As I felt my skin the only thing that was there was a scar.

Gasps were heard to my left. I snap my heard over to the sound and to my relief I saw Susan and Lucy here and unscratched with no injuries. I smile as Lucy wraps her small arms around my neck with as much strength she could muster while Susan came on my other side and hugged me as well. I hugged them back.

"We thought you were dead." Lucy cried as we all pull away.

"I did, Queen Lucy." I answer her with no intent to lie to the young Queen. "I was stuck in the InBetween. Aslan retrieved me to let me out."

"Narnia still needs their protector as do the Great Kings and Queens." A voice said behind them. I smile as my eyes meet Aslan's who smiles with a nod.

"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic differently." Aslan explained to them as He circled around the Stone Table. We watched Him as he reached back to us to finish. "That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and even Death itself will turn backwards."

"We sent the news that you two were dead." Susan told Aslan before looking at me with sorrowful eyes. "Peter and Edmund will have gone to war."

I watched in slight amusement and pride as Lucy draws her dagger with newfound bravery and determination. But it brought me such sadness that a child will be brought into a battle with so much death surrounding her.

"We have to help them."

"We will, dear one, but not alone." Aslan walked to their side and motioned on his back. "Climb on my back." He told us but when it was my turn to climb, He stopped me. "Little one, I need you to head to battle. To lead the army that is meant to be yours." When I open my mouth to argue, to fight that I need to go with Him but with one sharp look from the Lion I let out a sigh and nodded sharply to let him know that I didn't agree one bit.

"Good luck." I tell Him before looking at the Queens on his back. "Be safe." Without another word I disappear in a cloud of blue-grey smoke. Heading into battle headfirst.


I have always followed the rules to battle.

1. Never be afraid while heading to battle.

But as I appeared in the middle with no weapon except for my bow. I couldn't help but feel as my heart pounds in my chest. Nor, the gasps of breath as I saw friends, allies fall from their wounds.

2. Never hesitate upon pressure.

A war cry came from behind me causing me to twirl around. A centaur came rushing at me with an ax. My eyes widen and my hand by instinct reached for my bow and blocked the ax causing a clang to ring out around us. I winced at the strength that the centaur was putting on me. I don't know if it was because I just returned from the dead or something is stopping me from attacking. Getting tired, I kicked the animal in the stomach with a grunt, watching as they flew away and crashed into the rocks.

3. Never pause.

I paused to search for Peter and Edmund. To make sure that they were still alive and I won't be sending the sad news to the two sisters. A heavy body rammed into my side causing the left over air in my lungs to deflate. I grunt as the body landed on top of mine a bit in a daze as black dots were scattering across my vision.

The enemy took my pause as their strength to take me down. Without wasting another second, they start to throw punches my way. I couldn't do anything except raise my arms to block my face.

Narnia's Shadow // Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now