Wish Granted

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I share a nod with Oreius as he was walking past my tent. I look behind him as I saw a boy talking with Aslan. He was short, a child like Lucy not as old as Peter and Susan. He had brown hair like his two sisters. He was wearing strange clothing like how his siblings were dressed when I first met them.

I heard footsteps come up behind me. I turn my head to find Peter also looking at who I presume is his younger brother, Edmund. A small blush — strange to use such a word — burns the tips of my ears as the memories of last night come rushing back. I quickly look away before the boy next to me notices the redness.

Susan and Lucy emerge from their tents and turn the way that we were looking at. A bright smile appears on Lucy's chubby cheeks.

"Edmund!" She goes to sprint over to him but Peter stops her. I was glad he did because I don't have the heart to break hers. Edmund turns to the sound of her voice before stealing a few glances at the rest of his siblings before they confusedly stop on me.

I didn't need my hearing to know that the conversation had ended as they walked towards us. Edmunds head was bowed down in shame, knowing that what he did was wrong. So, he did go with the White Witch willingly. I narrow my eyes at him as he and Aslan stop in front of us.

"What's done is done." Aslan said. "There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past." Aslan sent a pointed look at me before motioning to walk with Him. "I must speak with Natasha."

I was confused as to why He wanted to speak with me alone. I think it might be to give the siblings their reunion, to make sure that their younger brother is safe. I am glad that King Edmund is safe from the White Witch's clutches. It meant the prophecy was still going to fulfill its duty.

As I walked away with the wise Lion, I glanced over my shoulder to find Peter watching me leave. A small smile appear on my lips. He was surprised to find me smiling at him but he returned it nonetheless.

We made our way through the forest next to camp. The silence was bearable. Birds chirped, the trees danced with the wind, the twigs and leaves crunch beneath our feet as we continued to walk.

"I understand you are angry, Little One." He started with a calm voice. "When I saw you get hurt yesterday by the wolf it was brought to me that you having your abilities keeps you safe when I am not there." I snap my head over to Him but He continue to look straight with His head held high. This conversation was not something that I thought it was going to lead.

"Aslan, I—" He cut me off.

"Please, Natasha. Listen to what I have to say." I nodded, closing my mouth. "I want to grant you your wish but I know what happens if I do." My shoulders sagged a bit but said nothing. "Jadis will fulfill the Prophecy at the Stone Table with you standing in front of her with a dagger." My eyes widen in shock at what He revealed. Is that what He is protecting me from? The finishing of the Prophecy. "You are meant to kill the sacrifice." My heart fell not knowing what to say.

"But, if it is already written in the Prophecy," I hesitated knowing it is going to hurt us. "Shouldn't it be done? Shouldn't I fill in my part?" 

He sighed, like He was trying to deny the truth.

"I don't want it to be you who pulls it down." He admitted. It shocked me that Aslan said that He was scared. That He was afraid for me to be the one to kill the sacrifice at the Stone Table. It is not like I haven't killed before; so, what is so different with this one? 

I paused before asking, "When will I get my abilities?" 

He hesitated. A feeling came over me that He wanted to say 'never' but knew that I was going to fight until He gave it back. He didn't need to say it out loud but I knew deep down that He regrets ever saying that my stubbornness is His favorite trait of me.

Narnia's Shadow // Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now