CH. 49 Tutoring (PART 1.)

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I locked myself in my room for the rest of the weekend.

Nobody dared to disturb me as I laid in bed the entire time, rolled up in my covers.

It was funny.

Nobody ever mentioned that when something bad happens to you, you don't just 'get over it'.

I felt stupid for crying.

Stupid for letting this empty feeling linger.

That's something they don't tell you.

That feeling? It doesn't leave after the first few months.

It stays. It brews. And, it gets worse.

My face was blistered red from my tears.

I don't think I had stopped crying since Lance and I had talked— if I could even call that 'talking'.

What it was was a fight. An angry, emotionally draining, fight.

I was so mad at him. Mad at the fact that he wasn't himself anymore. That he wasn't the Lance I knew and loved— The Lance I trusted.

I wondered if I'd ever get him back.

When Monday rolled around again, I found the strength within me to call Spencer.

I knew that even though I was horribly depressed, it didn't mean I had to fail math too.

I picked up my phone, dialing the number Scotty gave me.

The phone ringed a couple times before Spencer picked up, "Hello?" His voice came through the speaker.

I licked my lips, "Hey," I replied hesitantly, "It's Violet."

"Oh!" Spencer's voice mused, "I was waiting for you to call, I'm glad to hear from you."

His voice was kind— much different from the attitudes I had been receiving recently.

I smiled, his tone making me feel immediately comforted, "Yeah," I sighed out, "I was wondering if you had time after school today to tutor me?"

Spencer clicked his tongue, quick to reply, "Yep! I have some free time after last period. Do you wanna meet up somewhere? Maybe like, Kustard Kones? Scotty told me him and Austin took you there once."

A small grin spread across my face as I remembered what it was like that first time I hung out with Scotty.

Who would've ever guessed Austin holding me hostage and forcing me to hangout with him and Scotty would've led to so much more between us.

I missed what that was like hanging out with them before things changed— Before everything changed.

It was so pure and innocent— way beyond exciting to be hanging out with The Sophomore Boys.

I couldn't quite remember what I had ordered that day.

Chunky monkey, maybe? Funky monkey?

Who knows... my eyes were way too concentrated on the flirty blonde boy than they were the ice cream.

"Yeah," I replied, a newfound joy to my voice as I reminisced on my memory of Scotty, "That sounds perfect."

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