CH. 35 Hazy Kisses

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After track practice I walked through the senior lot to Kade's car.

I assumed West and Flynn had already made their way in because I saw multiple figures talking through the windows.

I wiped sweat from my forehead as I threw open the car door, sliding into the back seat.

The noise in the car halted as I buckled my seat belt.

I was used to them ignoring me by now, it had been like this for several months.

I didn't really mind them not talking in front of me anymore. I was a stranger in my home.

But, the mood in the car felt off and Kade hadn't yet started the car— Everyone only sitting in silence.

"Why were you sitting at Sam's table?" Flynn finally spoke up, glancing over at me.

I tucked my lips in, staring out the window.

"Violet?" Flynn asked, his tone lighter this time.

I turned to look at Flynn's squinted eyes.

"They're nice guys," I shrugged my shoulders.

Flynn scoffed, resting his hand on the back of West's seat, "Them? They aren't nice guys, Vi."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You're still friends with them," I shot back.

"Yea, that's like the whole point," He retorted, "I know these guys a lot better than you do. I don't want you hanging around them."

I crossed my arms, "Flynn that's so unfair. How come you can call them your best friends, but I'm not even allowed to associate myself with them?" I asked, growing angrier by the second.

"—It's because we saw the way they looked at you," West spoke up into Flynn and I's conversation.

My face grew red.

West turned around in his seat to get a good look at Flynn and I, "Trust me, they don't think of you as a little friend. They think of you as a poor, unsuspecting, freshman who they can drag into their fucked up life style," He shook his head with a warning glare.

I regained my composure, staring West down, "They're the ones who invited Cameron and I to their table. We didn't ask to go sit with them," I sneered in defense.

"Wait— They asked you to sit with them?" Flynn asked, his thick eyebrows furrowing.

I looked at him, a pointed expression pressed into my lips, "Yes."

Flynn's eyes widened and he gave a sigh.

"Well," He shook his head, "They're bad news, as I said before."

I laughed humorlessly, "They're the only people who have actually been nice to Cameron and I. It's not like any of you guys include us, you're all too wrapped up in your own damn reputations to even think about how we feel," I hissed.

The car fell quiet at my comment, everyone staring off into the distance.

"—You know I'm right," I spoke up again, "High school is hard enough as it is, so, sorry for making some actual friends," I rolled my eyes.

Flynn gave a long sigh, looking into my eyes with an annoyed look, "Violet, I don't know what's gonna make you believe me, but they aren't your friends."

I shook my head, fighting back the urge to tell him how Cameron and I had already been invited to one of their exclusive hangouts; one Flynn hadn't even been invited to before.

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