CH. 40 There's a First Time For Everything

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After Mr. Edwards had came to banish the four of us to the principal's lair, he walked us down the halls; everyone turning to watch us take the walk of shame.

Us three Hansen's kept our heads lowered, angry that the battle with Ian has been cut short without proper justice.

Ian walked far ahead of us; Mr. Edwards making sure he served as a barrier in between us and him.

While we strutted, we rose our heads- giving each other all a look of understanding. Barely visible smirks broke out into our faces; glad that we had worked together.

But however, we did know this feeling wouldn't last for much longer. All good things had to come to an end. Sadly, this time a little more abruptly than others.

"I've never gone to the principal's office before," I muttered to them, my heart beating a bit quicker.

Flynn glanced to me, "Me neither," he added with an equally nervous expression.

Kade looked over at us, giving us a stern look, "Just don't say anything," he said in a whisper, "Don't even open your mouths. I've been here plenty of times before, I know how this whole charade works," he instructed calmly.

Flynn and I bobbed our heads in agreement, and I made a silent gesture of zipping my lips closed, to which Kade hid a small grin.

Once we got to the cold office waiting-room, we all sat in pin-dropping silence, our sweaty bodies stuck down to the leather cushions of the office chairs.

Kade glared over at Ian who sat across the room, baring his teeth in a threat.

Ian just stared out one of the windows, not bothering to feed into Kade's looks.

As we all stared at our own feet, muffled noise came from outside the office waiting room.

I turned to see West— arguing with Mr. Edwards as he tried to enter the office.

"Those are my siblings, I need to talk to them!" West grunted, attempting to push past Mr. Edwards.

West's eyes caught mine, and he gave me an alert look, "Tell him to let me in!" He shouted to me.

Mr. Edwards continued to stand in front of West, giving him confused looks.

I tucked my lips in, turning back around so that I wouldn't have to look at West pathetically struggle against Mr. Edwards in pursuit of answers.

Suddenly, a woman in a black pantsuit walked out of a door in the office, walking to stand in front of Kade, Flynn, and I.

Principal Meyer.

We all rose our eyes to stare at her with tired, bloodied, and bruised faces.

She had sleek, long black hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail. Her eyes were a bright blue that held an authoritative glare.

She clamped her perfectly-manicured hands in front of her, tracing over all of our features, "The Hansen clan, I see," She said with a knowing tone.

Nobody responded, just giving her blank expressions.

She pursed her lips at our silence, staring at Kade in particular, "Welcome back," she sarcastically spat, raising her eyebrows up.

From all of Kade's crazy high school stories, it was a well known fact that he was one of Principal Meyer's least favorite students. She had been here for years, and even was the principal when Lucas attended Baton Academy.

Needless to say, while the Hansen name was remarked for popularity amongst students of Baton Academy, it was also remarked as trouble for the faculty.

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