CH. 12 The Night Is Young

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I wake up in my bed, groggy and confused.

Did that actually happen last night? Or was it all a dream?

Oh, you only wish it was a dream... My self conscious said.

I blinked, realizing I couldn't fool myself. I slid out of my bed, slinking over to my mirror to view my appearance.

I slowly edged myself into the mirror's view, and bit my lip at the sight of my face.

My cheek was blistered red.

I mean, what'd you expect? My self conscious peeped.

I scoffed, It was your idea! I proclaimed to the voice.

Oh shit, you right... My self conscious replied, halting her commentary.

Yea that's what I thought, I bit, walking away from the mirror and exiting my room- heading down for breakfast.

I just won't talk to Lucas at breakfast. It's fine, I thought to myself.

I walked down the stairs, dragging my body into the dining room to see all my brothers including Lucas walking between the dining room and kitchen; finding breakfast for themselves.

"Give me the Frosted Flakes asshat!" Flynn yelled to West who was holding the box of cereal hostage.

"N-..." West began to deny the request, but started choking on the Frosted Flakes that had been shoved in his mouth at the moment.

West spiraled into a coughing mess and Flynn laughed from across the counter at West, "That's what you get, karma!" Flynn shouted, smirking.

My eyes went wide at West's choking and I rushed over to him, smacking him in the back- making him spit up a wad of chewed up Frosted Flakes.

West panted, turning to me to see who had helped him.

His eyes grew a little and he stepped back from me in surprise, "O-Oh, thanks," He stuttered.

I looked at him remorsefully, taking in his disheveled appearance.

West's lip was scabbed over, black and blue. His cheek was painted a light shade of brown and green.

I winced internally. Poor West... I promise I didn't mean for it to go this far.

"You're welcome," I said, giving him a small smile.

He gave me a smile in return, and turned his attention back to Flynn, sticking his tongue out.

Flynn rolled his eyes, and walked over to the pantry, "I'll just make some toast for myself then..." Flynn grumbled under his breath.

I then walked over to the fridge, grabbing some fruit for breakfast, keeping my head down.

"How'd you sleep, Violet?" I hear a voice ask from behind me.

Agh. Lucas.

I kept my attention to the fridge and pretended to dig around looking for other things to stall.

"Hello...?" Lucas asked, walking up to the closed side of the fridge and leaning against it.

I continued to keep my head down, grabbing a container of strawberries, and closing my side of the fridge. I turned my back to Lucas, taking my strawberries over to the kitchen island to cut them.

I heard Lucas sigh, and walk towards me again.

He walked over to the island and leaned on it next to me once more, "I'm trying to have a conversation with you," He said lowly, leaning his head closer to mine.

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