CH. 7 Innuendos

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As I approach home, I make my way around the house and back to the window I escaped from. I un-latch the window and lift it up, swinging my legs inside and closing the window behind me.

"Hey, lunch is ready! Everyone to the dining room, please!" A voice booms from the kitchen.

I jump.

Holy shit, perfect timing Violet... nice. 

Quickly, I run out of the formal dining room- into the hallway, and am swept into a flood of my brothers who are rushing to the kitchen.

"Woah, woah, woah," I yelp, holding my hands in the air, as they all pass me up, mouths watering at the mention of food.

"Sorry Vi, Chase made lasagna. You know that's our favorite," Kade called to me, pushing me to the side in the process.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk to the kitchen behind everyone else.

As I'm walking, I feel a big hand place itself on my shoulder.

I look up, and am greeted by the eyes of Lucas.

I raise my eyebrows at him, and he squeezes my shoulder, turning us in the opposite direction- and taking me down a different hallway.

I shrug my shoulder away, "What are you doing?" I question him, growing nervous.

He remains silent, and grips my shoulder again. He guides me to the end of the hallway where a guest bathroom is.

When we reach the end, he let's go of my shoulder, turning to face me.

"Yes...?" I growl, annoyed with Lucas.

"I just wanna know where you were. That's all," Lucas crosses his arms, and smirks at me, "Oh and remember- rule number 5, no lying,"

I bring my hand up to scratch the back of my neck, "I don't know what mean?" I ask lightly, looking up at Lucas with an innocent smile.

Lucas shows no emotion back, tapping his foot on the ground, "Well, I went to your room about 45 minutes ago to check on you, and you weren't there. So, I figured you must've just been downstairs, so I checked- and wasn't able to find you there either. So, Violet, uh, where were you?" Lucas questioned me again, tilting his head to the side, and pressing his lips together.

My brain instantly started churning for an excuse, and I found myself lying right through my teeth, defiling the fifth rule, "I was swimming in our pool in the backyard."

Lucas blinks, surprised, "Your hair doesn't look wet...?" He questions, looking my hair up and down for reaffirmation of it's dry state.

Oh, shoot.

"Oh, ya, I blow dried it. I look really bad with wet hair, ya know," I blubbered, twiddling my thumbs under his gaze at my pathetic coverage.

"Alright," Lucas halts his questioning to my disbelief, and I try not to let my relief beam through my eyes.

"Let's go get some lunch then," Lucas says as he turns on his heel, and walks back down the hallway, out into the kitchen.

"O- ok," I stutter, hurrying behind him to catch up to his fast pace.

We enter the kitchen, and the rest of my brothers are already seated, chowing down on food.

Lucas and I take a seat in our normal spots; mine between Flynn and West, and his between Lance and Kade.

"Nice of you two to join us for this nice meal I've made," Chase looks at Lucas and me, mumbling this out through the lasagna shoved in his mouth.

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