CH. 1 Where It All Begins

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It was a foggy night and I was trembling in my own skin. Caught in the middle of the road, frozen in a cop car's headlights like a deer.

I should be ashamed...

I was raised to be a professional criminal, never to be caught. My older siblings were relentless on training and exercising ever since I could walk so that I'd be swift enough to avoid situations like this.

I needed this extra million, but now it's in my siblings hands, and I've just been caught not only by the police but in a different way. My cover had been blown. They'd want to know everything now. The only thing was, I couldn't even tell them the half of the shit I'd gotten myself into.

"Ma'am, lower your weapon," Called the almost-intimidating officer who raised his gun, keeping a firm position on me.

He had no idea what was coming his way when I remembered my backup plan; In hopes that I could get away from not only the police but also my family; I agreed, lowering my weapon. Keeping a firm grip on the bag of cash, I looked around hoping my getaway car would be here.

No such luck.

My confidence plummeted, but only rose as fast after I heard a distinguishable gunshot.

I knew exactly whose gun it was.

I shut my eyes for a second, cursing to myself.

They were already here.

The officer fell to the ground groaning, probably regretting getting out of his car without backup.

I snapped my head to the right, only to find who I knew I would, but hoped I wouldn't.

"Come on Violet! We gotta get out of here!" Cried my one of my many older brothers; West.

Even he knew that if we were to stay any longer, backup would show up in no time.

I ran to my gun— money in hand, swiftly picking up the small object, silently cursing to myself for being in this situation.

I continued to run and caught up to West—sprinting next to him and getting closer and closer to a black van which I now recognized as my second eldest brother; Lance's car.

West swung open the door for him and I to get through, but I hesitated as soon as I saw that more of my siblings were packed into it aswell.

My eyes faltered, and I now looked over my shoulder to check if I could escape anywhere else besides Lance's car.

I should've known that West would bring Lance. After all, he's  always been a goody-two-shoes, telling Lance about everything, trying to kiss up to our older brothers and pretend he's not in our younger portion of the family. But, I have no idea why my other three brothers; Chase, Kade, and Flynn tagged along.

But, now that I think about itthem being here is probably West's doing as well.

Still searching for another escape, I realized this was the only option to get out alive, so I dove into the already open car door, proceeding to slam it shut.

They were never going to let me live this down.

Every pair of eyes were targeted right for mine; except for Lance's whose were on the road.

The silence in the car was enough to tell me that I had indefinitely crossed the line.

I royally fucked up.

"Violet Nicole Hansen..." Lance trailed off in an unknown tone of voice as the car jolted away at an amazingly fast rate, making me fly into West's lap as I hadn't had time to buckle myself.

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