Hospital Stay

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Cara Ho Kelly (Chin's niece)

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Cara Ho Kelly (Chin's niece)

Cara was watching Grace and Alex. Her uncle had recommended her to Steve and Danny as they now had a job and sometimes they couldn't take the girls with them whenever they were on cases so Cara watched the girls that had quickly became part of her Ohana. She referred to Steve and Danny as her uncles and it was a role they took seriously. She was sitting on the couch in the Williams-McGarrett house as Gracie and Alex were currently playing outside. She was going to order pizza for dinner when she heard Gracie scream and got up and ran outside. She saw Gracie crying and Alex was having a seizure.
"What happened Gracie?"
"We were playing when Alex said she felt dizzy and then she passed out and started doing that."
"Its okay sweetie. I am going to call an Ambulance and then call your Daddy and Danno." I hugged the little girl to me as I dialed the number while my hands were shaking.

Danno and Steve were in Steve's office going over some files for the case and talking about this upcoming weekend with the girls camping. Chin and Kono were talking over the case as well when Steve's phone lit up with the name Cara
"Hey Cara, I was about to call you. How are the girls?"
"Uncle Steve, Gracie and I are on the way to the hospital with Alex. She passed out and they said that her sugar was 345 which is high. She isn't responsive. I'm scared Uncle Steve."
"Cara Danny and I are on our way. We will see you there. Which Hospital is she going to?"
"They said Tripler sir." She hung up phone and Steve looked at Danno.
"Alex is on her way to Tripler because she passed out. Her Sugar is 345. Come on we are meeting Cara and Gracie there." Danno takes Steve's hand as they exit the Palace and get into the truck and ride to the hospital. Steve allowed Danny to drive.

As Steve and Danny enter the hospital they found Cara and Gracie sitting in the hallway and Gracie saw them first
"Danno!! Daddy!!" She yelled as she ran to them as Danny reached down and scooped her up into his arms.
"Hey Monkey." He hugged her to him. Steve looked at Cara
"Any word yet Cara?"
"Not yet Uncle Steve. I was scared." She said and Steve pulled her into his arms. The doctor walked over and said
"Family of Alex Williams-McGarrett?"
Danny and Steve turned to her. She was a young doctor who looked to be around 25 which was younger than Danny and Steve. She had brown hair and brown eyes.
"I'm Danny and this is Steve, we are Alex's Dads." Danny said while holding Gracie on his hip.
"I'm Dr. Jessica Fontane and I am treating your daughter."
"How is she?" Steve asked still holding onto Cara.
"Well your daughter is a diabetic. Her sugar has come down and if you follow a strict diet with her she will never be insulin dependent. I am sending her home with medicine. Once her Sugar is at a level that we like then we will be releasing her."
"Can we see her?" Danny asked
"Yes if you will follow me. She is actually awake and has been asking for you guys." They followed the doctor back to a room that held their daughter. Once she saw them she reached out to them.
"Daddy! Danno!" Danny put Grace down as they both embraced Alex "I'm sorry."
"What are you apologizing for Baby girl? You didn't get me shot at."
"I said I was sorry Danno." The girls started giggling. They loved it when their parents did this. Grace reached over and grabbed her sisters hand. Both girls were best friends and nothing like a diagnoses of diabetes would stop them from being best friends. They loved each other. They smiled at each other and continued to watch their parents banter. This hospital stay wasn't so bad.

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