Chapter 2- Heartbreaker

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CHAPTER 2- Heartbreaker

Justin had called this morning. I was so worried about him, I couldn't concentrate on my classwork.

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. The clock mocked me. Over and over again.

Finally the last bell rang. I was the first one out of that stuffy classroom. I sprinted down the hallway, past the lockers, past the couple smooching in the hallway. I ran out the front doors, and shielded my eyes from the bright sun. I looked around nervously for his car.

The charcoal black Ferrari was waiting out front. I walked up to the car, opened the door, and got in.

What is he thinking? Is he crazy? Driving here in a damn Ferarri! Ugh, I'll worry about that later.

It was dead silence for what seemed like eternity. We were just sitting there in the car lane.

"Uh, Justin? Can we start moving? Or are we just gonna sit here and wait 'til the earth stops spinning?" 

I looked at him. Curse those deep,endless, brown eyes.

"Uh, yeah sorry." He got out of the SCHOOL ZONE.

There was still only hot air between us.

"You passed my neighborhood." I said plainly. I had no idea what was going on and it was freaking me out.

He didn't answer. He flipped on the radio, which was his way of  telling me he didn't want to talk.

Finally, I couldn't take the silence any longer. If I didn't say something, I was sure I was going to suffocate. I looked out the window and saw  farms and  flat road dipping into the horizon like rising dreams and failing words. My palms were sweaty and I was scared, scared of what he might say, where he was taking me, and why he looked totally pissed off.

"Where are you taking me?!" I screamed. Crap, that sounded a lot better in my head than it did when I said it.

Justin sighed. "Look, Katy, I need to tell you something." He pressed his foot down on the accelerator.

"Geez slow down, Justin. You're doing 100." I cringed as the dial hit 120.

Bieber hit the brakes so hard, I went flying forward. I could smell the burnt rubber that was now on the hot asphalt below us.

Thank the Lord for seatbelts.

He looked at me with a look I could never quite describe. It was sadness with a hidden dash of anger.

"I am, I mean, I can't do 'us' anymore." he said in a whisper. He looked out the windshield with a set jaw and sad eyes. I couldn't tell whether he wanted to cry or bash someone head in with a pack of Red Bull, or Monster. Whichever he was feeling like today.

I looked down at my hand fiddling with it, trying to decide what to do.

Don't start. I prayed for some miracle. Maybe this is a prank. I looked at Justin. I scoffed to myself. There is no way this is a joke.

Don't let it get to you! He's just a boy! But really, he wasn't just a boy; he was my boy, the boy that gave me a hoodie on our third date. The boy that smelled like where I belonged. I never failed to remember the day he asked me to dance with him, in his living room, to Lil Wayne. Romantic right?

The end came anyway. It came to a painful screeching halt as my world fell apart. Shattered by a kid with a voice.

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