Chapter 19: Does he love me? Does he not?

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Chapter 19:

Justin's POV

I raced out of the garage, almost forgetting to close the garage door. I raced through Buckhead, my mind leaping to one topic and then to another.

What am i going to say to her? Like, seriously? "I'm sorry?" Yeah that's not good enough. God damn it. I am such a bad boyfriend. Obviously, I am sorry isn't going to cut it. So then what do I say to her?

I pulled into the closest parking spot and cut the engine. I breathed. I just sat there and breathed for a while.

I can do this. I said giving myself a pep talk.

I got out and jogged into the hospital, holding my pants up as I ran. I probably looked really stupid, but at this point I couldn't care less. I signed in at the check in counter and went to her room. I knocked softy and heard an muffled "Come in."

I walked in and blinked as my eyes adjust to the low light. "Babe?" I said softly.

"Hey." Katy whispered.

"How you feeling?" I said, feeling my way over to the bed and sitting down next to my girlfriend.

"A lot better actually. How'd you sleep?" She asked

I gringed as a headache hit me like a brick. "Not well. I was a little worried."

"Well just saying, I really like you." 

I smiled. "Yeah, well I ike you more." 

She smiled at me and laughed. "Well, I'm glad. Hey could you hand me the remote to the TV?" I got up and handed her the remote. She smiled and said, "Thank you!" She flipped on the TV and up popped my face. I watched myself give same speech I did earlier. Sara then came into view. I looked at Katy who had a single tear rolling down her face.  We both sat there, watching this unfold. As it ended, Katy said, "I can't believe you would stand up for me like that." 

"Well I really like you. In fact I..." All the sudden there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in." Katy said. In walked a nurse with Mixkey Mouse scrubs and red lipstick. 

"Sugar, we need to get some blood samples from you to make sure you're okay to go home soon."

"Okay, I just can't look." Katy said weakly.

The nurse prepped the needle and Katy grabbed my hand. "What were you saying?" 

"I was just going to say..." 

"OW!" Katy squeezed my hand. I got up and stretched my legs.

"Hey. I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?" I said, smiling at her.

"Yes please. Some water would be nice." I smiled again and walked out the door.

My Boyfriend is Justin Bieber {The Boy Behind the Fame}Where stories live. Discover now