chapter 13- Intruder!!!

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I entered my house, remebering that my parents were on the cruise in South America. I wished I could have gone, but with all the Justin drama...I knew I couldn't go. Yes, I was disppointed, but I knew that this would follow me. And I didn't want to ruin what my parents paid through the nose for. Surprisingly they trusted me to watch the house while they were gone. Hehe.

I opened the door...hadn't I turned the on the alarm? Yes, I had! I didn't rememeber a lot, but I did remember turning on the alarm. I do it every night whether my 'rents are here and I do it when we leave the house. We use it a lot. Every day and I know the code by heart. My dad, I think has touched it maybe five times. My mom has never touched it...ever. get the point. I had turned on the alarm. You have 80 seconds to shut the garage. And 80 seconds to (once opening the garage.) to slam the door and go turn it off. It may not seem like a lot of time, but it's more time than you imagine. I got so good at it, I can grab groceries and still have time to turn it off. I grabbed the pepper spray from the desk drawer. Cautiously I crept around my house with the not-so-protective dads metal Louisiana bat.  


I practically jumped out of my skin. Holy crap! I grabbed my dads airsoft gun from the coat closet quietly shutting the door behind me putting in its place the Louisiana bat. It is one of the handguns. I am not one of the types to play with guns. I'm more of the you'll-shoot-your-eye-out types. I'm not scared of them or anything, I'm a girly girl. But my daddy showed me how to load it and put it into safety. He taught me how to accuracly, and I'm pretty good at it. My uncles a cop. So I know how to aim and shoot. Don't ask me to clean whatever-it's-called, because then I will look at you like a deer in the headlights.

I crept around the 70 inch Sony 3d t.v.  


I crept into my own bathroom through a secret passage way through the living room. One of the bookcases spins when you push one of the books inward and to the side, then there's a fingerprint thing to open it.  

"Owww!" some kid screamed.  

I lowered the orange tipped gun...ohmigod! You've got to be kidding me! Him? I quickly hid the handgun in my bathroom drawer. I took karate. I'm a triple black belt. I tip-toed up to the "intruder." With one hand I reached up to the shoulder. There is a pressure point right behind the shoulder bone( the shoulder bone connects to the collar bone and so on). This pp (pressure point) is even easier to manipulate him if he's skinny. He is fit. You have two options. You could a) make him drop to the ground and kind of pass out or you could b) use that to control his movements (to kinda pause his movements. I have had this done this done to me before and it hurts enough to make you stop and not be able to move without pinching one of the major nerves in your shoulder, and trust do not want to do that.) I chose b). 

"What are you doing Justin?" reasonable question I'd say.  

"Well." he said grimacing with the pain. He tried to wiggle out of my grasp and my muscles took over my brain and I smacked him so hard his nose started bleeding. I let go of his shoulder slowly.  

He fell back hitting his head on my dresser.  

"Guess I kinda uh..deserved that?" he asked holding his nose and his head. If he had three arms he would be holding his shoulder too.  

"Ohmigod!" I screamed. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" 

"Owh! Holy....." 

It just so happens I also know first aid too. I immediately did what my instructor had presented to our defense class. It was actually the same situation. One of the girls best friends had broken into her house and she over reacted. She punched her in the face. He then showed us how to check for a broken nose and concussion. Or for heart problems. So I ran into my bathroom grabbing the closest towel.  

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