Chapter 4: Crying Crying And Guess What? More Crying!

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After a while of staring out the window I didn't feel so hot.

"Can you pull over? Please?" I said weakly, not daring to look in his general direction.

"I thought you had to get home?"

"I do." 

I couldn't take one more minute of this, of my life.

"..." Justin was waiting for something more.

" Freaking Bieber.You don't get it. I think I'm going to be sick!"

He glanced over at me. "Oh god!"

He pulled over and took it easy, so I wouldn't up-chuck all over his recently conditioned leather. He reached over me in one smooth motion and swung open the door.

I threw up because I was so upset. Justin held back my hair like a gentleman.

Well at least he still cares about me, maybe. 

"All better?" he asked concerned about me, or at least he's a good actor.

"Ya. I think so." I responded

"Why Justin? Why?" I asked looking at him.

He started up the engine and handed me a piece of gum.

"Thanks." I said managing a smile.

You know if he loved me he wouldn't leave me would he? That's what he says in his songs. One Less Lonely Girl. Favorite Girl.

Maybe, but maybe it is just a load of bull. Probably. Who am I doubting? A 40 year old probably writes the songs for Justin. Maybe I should fall in love with him instead of this blonde haired incredibly cute, funny, sorta caring kid driving me home right now.

We turned in my neighborhood. He took it slow. Thank God.

I felt so weak and my throat stung. I felt the tears coming into my eyes as the Ferrari powered up my steep driveway. The lights were on outside.

That means I am in it knee deep. My parents are angry. Uh-oh. There are going to be a few strong words when I get inside.

I was dreading it. Confronting my parents, still in denial. My parents are going to be parents. I mean that's their job right? My parents are super cool. They don't embarrass me in front of my high school, or in the middle of a public place. They are laid back and over all, pretty good about my friends and who I hang out with. Until it comes to me coming home late with a kid dropping me off. In a Ferrari. Especially since this is my first boyfriend.

And first heartbreak. But see, when my dad or mom are angry at me they don't let me explain because they think I'm lying or whatever, which gets me pretty upset usually. They won't let me tell them that Justin told me he would pick me up and hung up and didn't give me a chance to say that I needed to check with my parents first. Or that he broke my heart. Tonight. 30 minutes ago. Nope, they will say that they don't want to hear my excuses and they are going to tell me to stop interrupting them, they won't notice my puffy eyes or my smeared make up. No. They will just start saying how dangerous it is to go out without telling them first.  They are going to tell me I can't see him ever again, but wait, that won't matter because he broke it off with me. Mom will put in a curfew and rules, and be stricter about my friends. 

But you know what, I don't care anymore. 'Cuz it doesnt seem like the world does it?

He put the car in Park.

I opened the door and got out. I slammed the door so hard I thought that the windows would shatter.

"Aye!" Justin rolled down the window.

"I didn't mean to get you in trouble. If you need any kind of verification or uh, anything you know my number."

"Ya." I responded, half-listening. Justin could tell. I looked at those big brown eyes and that perfect hair, and that smile. I felt tears well up in my eyes again. The next thing I knew I was sobbing.

"Baby! I am so sorry. I really do love you. I know that you love me too. We clicked. We did. My mom is just being my mom and there is no way she will change her mind. Baby!"

I walked over to where the Ferrari was parked. "Don't ever call me that again! I am not your baby because if I was I wouldn't be crying myself sick and I know when I go in my house I am going to be in so much trouble. If you love me, you will leave!" I said hardly recognizing my own voice. I started to walk away, but I turned back. "You know,  you can either choose love or money. You chose money. I am glad you did. Because I would have hated for you to chose me." I walked away.

"Sorry!" He said as he drove away. I got sick. I sat down for a few minutes to collect myself and to get my thoughts together. But that didn't help because I ran in the house sobbing so hard my chest was heaving.

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