Chapter 17: Tired of Drama

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Saras POV

Justin's glare intensified. "God damn it!" He grabbed the magazine and raced out of the room, before I could say a word. "Justin!" I screamed. But I knew it was no use. Once the kid has an idea in his head, there's no stopping him. I went back to the window to watch. I watched as he went out into the crowd of hungry paparazzi.

Justin P.O.V.

I pushed and shoved my way through the crowd of flashing lights and microphones.Maybe this is what it feels like to be at a Justin Bieber concert. Wow! This sucks! reminded myself to ask Scooter and the team to see what we could do about it.I got to a reasonable spot as each question slapped me in the face.

"Look." I said. "I don't know who you think you are. Yes, I am at the hospital. Why? Because a friend of mine is sick. That's all you need to know. This is my life. My life. Not yours, or yours, or his. You push into everyones lives and ruin their relationships and just alienate the person they are. That famous couple didn't break up only because they were having problems, but because you publicized it, making it 10 times worse. And now the whole damn world knows about it." I held up the magazine. "This is what you do. This is exactly how you ruin a girls life. So kudos to you. This girl is just a normal girl who goes to a normal school. She isn't popular at school and she likes it that way. She wakes up to see this on the front cover of PEOPLE. This poor girl went to school and is now in the hospital because of this picture. So go on. Go on and say I beat her, or a Belieber beat her. Any person around me knows the truth. They all know I qould never hit a girl, even if she hit me. Do what you do best. Ruin our friendship. For Gods sake it was one kiss. You guys suck. I'm tired of having my whereabouts questioned. Honestly I don't care that you know I went to buy cookies at Publix., but I do care when your actions affect my Beliebers. They are not your Beliebers. They are my Beliebers. Mine! I am usually really nice to paparazzi. If you are nice to me, then I am pretty chill about you filming me. I don't care. But when you provoke me by whistling at my mom or saying crap about my Beliebers, or my fanbase, I get angry. Be civilized and we can have a nice chat. I will answer most of your questions and we can both be happy. If you don't. it won't end well. It's simple." I looked over to see my crew standing there, watching.

"Move!" A voice said from the silent crowd. Sara appeared next to me. She winked at me. "You know. I never knew why my friend liked this kid." She said, pointing to me. "But spend 3 hours with him. Go on an adventure with him. Go to visit sick kids in a hospital and you will know why so many adore him. You don't know that feeling of walking into a room and watching the 6 year old with cancer smile with happiness upon seeing his face. A smile that hasn't shown itself in ages. You have no idea what it's like when that little 6 year old realizes she's gonna die soon. And for her to sit there and tell Justin that she was scared to lose all her hair and now she has 2 weeks to live and then you realize those two precious weeks have to be spent with tubes hanging out of her nose in a room that smells like anti-bacterial spray. You don't know that feeling that takes over your body when you see that little girl start crying when Justin Bieber asks her for her one wish. And then she whispers it into his ear, just for the two of them to know. And then he leans down and kisses her on the top of the head. And she starts crying even harder, and her parents hug him and he gives her a hug and a teddy bear, tells her he loves her and to stay strong. Then he leaves. But as soon as that door shuts he breaks down in tears, saying he's gonna loose a Belieber to cancer. That she was there from the beginning. He realizes that she's spent her whole life on him and starts to cry harder. He knows that she's never going to be able to expierence life. The first dance. Driving. Getting a job. Prom. Her first kiss. Dating. Heartbreak. Marriage. Kids. And getting old with that one person. That's why he's crying. You don't know how that feels. And then 3 weeks later he has to attend a funeral for a 6 year old girl with dreams. He's crying not because he's weak or gay, but because if it wasn't for that girl and girls like her, he would still be in Canada. In public housing. Sleeping on that lumpy couch like old times. And he's forever grateful for that. He also knows that without that one girl he wouldn't be where he is today, and when he looses one of those special girls, he gets upset. And you guys see him leaving the hospital crying and the very next week the headline is "Justin Biebers mom has died!" No. that's not true. There's this thing called asking. You should try it sometime! Stop assuming and ask him. It's not that hard. Be nice. It hurts him more than you would know. Thank you!" She grabbed my hand and we made our way back to the entrance of the hospital.

"That was amazing bro." Ryan said giving me the handshake. "I couldn't have done it with Sara though." I laughed.

"Yeah that was really something Sara." My mom said.

Sara Looked at the ground. "Thanks!"

A few hours later in Justin POV

I had been there by her side all night. Ry popped his head in. "Hey kid. You look tired, why don't you call it a night?"

"No. I am not leaving her side."

"Bro. I'll call you if annything happens."

I looked at Katy. "Promise?"

"I Bieber Promise."

"Alriight." I got up and turned back. "If she wakes up, tell her I love her so much." Ryan nodded in response.

Driving home, I was too tired to think. i got home and fell onto the closest flat surface and fell asleep.

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