《 Prologue 》

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Tw: mention of death, cursing

A man in his thirties could be seen streaming on a website called Twitch seeing as many donations and people went by the screen.

His somewhat messy blonde locks could be seen moving as he tilted his head back a bit with laughter leaving him.

This man went by the name of Philza, or Phil for short.

His wife, Kristin, would occasionally pop up during different streams whenever it felt needed.

The two had thought it was a good idea to adopt a child a few months back.

Well, more like a teen, really.

The teen was the child of an old friend and their lover, who had been killed in a car crash on impact.

The teen, despite being the only survivor in the car crash, still acted friendly and bright as ever despite having their moments.

They had felt bad for the kid seeing as they knew all three of them so of course they would adopt them.

The child's name?

(Y/n) (L/n).

(Y/n) had decided to keep her parent's last name in remembrance of their passing.

"Phillllll!" A loud childish voice hollered, the Discord icon of one of the few extra people in the chat had brightened up.

"Tommy," Phil sighed out, now disappointed at the male that had joined in the call while he played in his hard-core world on Minecraft.

The Discord chat spammed even more after that.

They were excited to hear the young male's voice join the call.

"Phil, there's a rumor going around," the younger blonde, Tommy, claimed.

"And what's this rumor, Tommy?" Phil asked.

"That you've got a child, is that true?!" Tommy exclaimed, wanting to know the answer.

Phil deadpanned at this.

The older male gave a deep sigh while running a hand down his face.

"No Tommy, I don't have a child," Phil lied, knowing how his adopted child must be fuming right now since they also watch him.

The sound of footsteps captured his attention along with a loud bang in the room.

"What do you mean!?" A voice rang out in the room.

This caused Phil to burst out into laughter.

Tommy had gone quiet in the Discord chat.

Twitch was going haywire.

They were freaking out when they heard the familiar voice of a teen that Phil and Kristen had vlogged about not too long ago.

(H/c) locks flew by as it stayed in its normal (H/s).

A teen, around 6'6 or 6'7, could be seen smacking the back of Phil's head.

Phil gripped his head even more and continued to laugh.

"Hello everyone, meet (Y/n)!" Phil huffed out.

"You have a kid, Phil?! Why did you have to lie!?" Tommy exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'm adopted, actually!" (Y/n) chirped, bending down to show himself to the camera, waving a bit.

"What the fuck!? How tall are you?!" Tommy hollered in disbelief.

"Taller than you, I bet," (Y/n) answered happily.

Tommy made an offended sound at the reply he had just been given

"Asshole!" Tommy replied back.

(Y/n) just grinned, "Fuck you too."

Phil was laughing at the two.

Tommy sounded so offended whenever the taller responded back.

"Phil, how old are they?" Tommy asked.

"They're seventeen, Tommy," Phil answered after he calmed down his laughter.

"When were you born? Before or after, 2004?" Tommy interrogated.

"Why should I answer that? You're strange," (Y/n) replied, shrugging her shoulders knowing that the blonde was watching Phil's stream.

"You bitch!" Tommy replied.

"That's going against female dog supremacies, so keep that word away."

Tommy continued to ramble a bit as someone new joined the Discord and muted him.

"Sorry about him, Phil. And welcome to the family, (Y/n), I'm Wilbur," the new comer, Wilbur, introduced.

"Nice to meet you too, Wilbur," (Y/n) greeted back.

"Tommy, say sorry."

The stern voice of Wilbur was then heard as Tommy was unmuted.

"What the fuck, Will, why!?" Tommy exclaimed in disbelief.

"Tommy," Wilbur repeated.

Tommy groaned in annoyance, "Sorry."

(Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed a bit before nodding his head, "It's alright."

Tommy mumbled something incoherent underneath his breath before muting himself.

"Chat, chat, calm down– Chat no," Phil states, noticing how they were calling Tommy a simp.

(Y/n) seemed to notice and leaned slightly into the mic.

"Chat, if anyone's the simp, it's me."

Phil giggled while Wilbur laughed.

"Do you have a Minecraft account, (Y/n)?" Wilbur asked with pure curiosity.

"I do, I'm rarely on it though," (Y/n) answered as if it was a simple question he got asked daily.

Wilbur seemed to smack the open palm of his hand, since a thud could be heard.

"I'll ask Dream to whitelist you, so that you can see the server."

Disbelief crossed (Y/n)'s face.

"You don't have to do that, who the fuck would want me on their server? A stranger, I am, I must say."

Cackles of laughter left from Phil, Wilbur, and the chat when they heard the (H/c)ette sound like Yoda.

(Y/n) pulled up an extra chair beside Phil and sat down, hiding his height from the chat.

"Do you know who Dream is?" Wilbur asked, trying to calm down his laughter.

"That man with a skin that's an ugly highlighter called a blob?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Yes," Wilbur snickered.

(Y/n) leaned forward a bit, a grin lifting onto her lips.

"Yes, I heard of him. Fucker can keep his money, asshole can go homeless or whatever on the Smp."

All the slander was breaking the chat, Wilbur, and Phil even more.

"You're just slandering the man," Phil giggled.

"Fuck yeah, I am and you guys better get fucking used to it too," (Y/n) replied, snickering a bit.

"I need to go get Pebbles before she plucks out her feathers again so that she can heal. Why did my mother name a bird, Pebbles? I don't know."

The tall (H/c)ette stood up and placed the extra chair back to its original spot before leaving the room.

"Pebbles, I fucking dare you!" (Y/n) hollered from in the hallway, heading to their room.

"Anyways, let's keep this stream going."

With that, Phil continued to stream for another hour or two.


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