《 Wilbur 》

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Tw: light cursing

(Y/n) and Tommy thought that it was a good idea to leave Minecraft but go onto face timing with their phones.

"And why did Phil give you my phone number?" (Y/n) asked as they scavenged the kitchen looking for some type of leftover food in the fridge and cupboards.

Tommy shrugged his shoulders, seemingly a lot calmer than earlier on screen.

"I don't know, man. Probably to make sure you had one of our phone numbers on you?" Tommy replied, despite it sounding more like a question.

The (H/c)ette sighed in disappointment as she grabbed a bag of crisps from the pantry.

"What's your nationality anyway?" Tommy asked, curious to know more about his new friend.

"Mmh... I'm British for sure despite not acting like it. Mum said I had English relatives but I don't give a fuck about them. Fuck their damn American school system," (Y/n) answered as he sat down on a nearby bean bag chair.

Tommy could be heard cackling, "What do you mean?"

(Y/n) smiled a bit, "What's normal over in their school system but strange everywhere else?"

A loud hum left Tommy's lips, "Their guns?"

The (H/c)ette nodded, "Yep."

Popping the bag open, the tall teen popped the crunchy goodness into their mouth and lightly chewed at it.

"Hey, (N/n)?" Tommy suddenly asked, going quiet.

"Hm?" (Y/n) hummed, glancing at her screen with a confused look on his face.

"If it's possible, is it alright if we meet up somewhere?" Tommy finished.

Swallowing, the (H/c)ette held a thoughtful look.

"I don't know, really. I would need Phil's approval, plus...who would be watching us?" They asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Wilbur can!" Tommy simply answered.

(Y/n) sighed heavily, "I can check, no promises, though."

Tommy beamed.

The (H/c)ette deadpanned at the beaming teen before them as they finished off barely one-third of the bag by rolling it up and putting it off to the side.

Laying back, (Y/n) didn't seem to notice the fact that Tommy was smiling softly at them.

"When's a good day to meet up? Like, we have college and all, but still."

"Hmm, I was thinking about one of our days off?"

"And that's like, what? A few days from now? Fucking short notice, bitch."

Tommy playfully glared at the (H/c)ette, "Fuck you too, tall bean."

(Y/n) gave a fake look of disbelief, "I am not a tall bean."

"You're probably taller than Ranboob!" Tommy pointed out.

"How the actual fuck? An American being tall as shit. Is he a damn volleyball player or something? Cause I must imagine Tsukishima from Haikyuu if he's that fucking tall...wait, he might be taller than that dinosaur loving fuck...oh well," (Y/n) shrugged, smiling a bit at how hard Tommy was laughing.

"What's with you and this thing called 'anime'?" He teased.

"My imaginative lovers that aren't real belong to the world, so shut up, ye fucking banana," (Y/n) playfully hissed.

"Banana? I'm not a fucking banana, bitch!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Say that to your hair!" The (H/c)ette pointed out.

Tommy just stuck his tongue out as someone joined the face call.

"Wilbur!" The blonde greeted.

"Wilbs," (Y/n) simply greeted with a head nod.

On the screen, Wilbur raised an eyebrow at the two teens in front of him.

"Aren't you both supposed to be asleep?" He asked, a tired look in his eyes.

(Y/n) gave a look of disbelief as Pebbles landed on their head, nuzzling and giving kisses to the top of their owner's head.

"Is that a bird?" Wilbur asked with a tired look of surprise.

(Y/n) nodded her head as he raised their eyebrows a bit.

"This is Pebbles, my mother's bird that I currently own. She has separation anxiety so she has trouble staying inside of her cage without me near her," they simply answered.

"Why hello there, Pebbles," Tommy greeted.

"Hello!" Pebbles chirped as she moved closer to the phone.

Placing her beak onto the phone, she made kissing noises which made the group dumbfounded.

"Kisses?" Pebbles asked as she pulled her head away from the phone with a slight head tilt.

"Shit! She can talk!" Tommy exclaimed with excitement and awe.

Wilbur was just staring at the (H/c)ette and the bird with a dumbfounded look on his face.

This made (Y/n) laugh at the duo's expressions as she nodded his head.

"Of course she can."

With a small tap to the head, Pebbles made a loud kissing sound before getting placed onto the ground with help and hopping off to find either Phil or Kristin.

"So, Wilby," Tommy began, capturing the said brunette's attention.

"Yes, Tommy?" The curly haired male asked with a yawn leaving his lips.

"Well, we were wondering if it was possible to take (Y/n) and I somewhere sometime this week?" Tommy nervously questioned, not wanting to anger the tired adult.

Wilbur raised an eyebrow, "Did your parents agree?"

"Yeah, I just have to bring a friend and an adult with me," Tommy simply answered.

"And why are you asking me and not Phil?"

"Well, he's asleep right now, Kristin is probably on her phone talking to friends," (Y/n) piped up as a yawn of her own left his lips.

Wilbur released a tiring sigh, "We'll speak more in the morning. The two of you need your sleep, good night."

With that, Wilbur left the call.

"Well, that went smoothly," Tommy chuckled.

(Y/n) nodded their head, "Yeah. But what he said was true, we should be heading off to sleep."

Tommy nodded his head as he heard the movement of the (H/c)ette leaving the bean bag chair and into their bedroom, laying down on the bed.

"Can we– You know..." Tommy trailed off.

(Y/n) rolled onto her side, placing his phone up against a stuffed animal.

"Fall asleep on call? Sure, I don't mind," (Y/n) replied.

It didn't take long.

Within half an hour of talking, the duo fell asleep.

Tomorrow was tiring.


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