《 Bullying A Child 》

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Tw: cursing

(Y/n) stared blankly at Tommy and his adopted father.

Her (E/c) eyes danced with confusion as they tried their best to figure out what to reply with.

He then pointed straight at Tommy with a finger of hers, "Stupid! Idiot! I only said that I'm visiting and nothing else!"

Tommy gave a wide grin, "You sure about that, bitch?"

"You...fucker," (Y/n) hissed out.

Phil was laughing hard, glee clearly being seen on his face.

The adult male had found both Tommy and (Y/n)'s interactions amusing.

"Hey, I'm gonna go join Techno's voice chat. Both of you better be nice now, bye."

With that Phil left the Discord chat and left the two teens to hang out with each other.

Both teens turned to slowly look at each other with a look of disbelief on their faces.

"That fucking bitch! What the fuck!?" Tommy screamed.

The (H/c)ette slammed their head onto a nearby tree, ignoring the pain that now resided their skull.

The blonde sweatdropped at the other as he watched her gaze at the ground after slamming their head into the tree.

'Maybe I should be a bitch and start bullying the child? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.'

The (H/c)ette turned towards the shorter and slapped him hard on the crown of his head.

Tommy grabbed onto his head, "Ow! What the fuck, you bitch! What was that for?!"

(Y/n) shrugged her shoulders as he turned towards Tommy, "And why should I give you an answer?"

Tommy pointed an accusing finger at them, "Because! You slapped me for no stupid reason!"

"Stupidity is one of the main reasons why I live on this Earth. All the cringe I get to see just from watching manhunts and all the 'du du du du', shit," she answered as he gave a side glance towards Tommy.

Tommy snickered a bit, "You really do love slandering Dream, don't you?"

(Y/n) turned towards Tommy and gave him a toothy grin, a pair of sharp canines poking out, "Yes. Yes, I do."

An idea seemed to land into Tommy's head, "Then why don't we bully Dream once he's on?"

"Hmm," the (H/c)ette hummed out as she thought about it while licking their lips to hydrate them.

"Maybe once he's on, right now...it's bully Tommy time," he answered.

Tommy frowned heavily, "You bitch, why don't I bully you, huh!?"

(Y/n) snickered, "You don't have the balls to do that."

Tommy just responded with him flicking the middle finger straight at the other.

The duo then started on their adventure of looking around the Dream Smp again.

"So how far have you gotten into the lore?" Tommy suddenly asked.

"Mmh... I either watch Phil or Techno, so, all I know is that Techno is in prison with Dream," (Y/n) answered with a thoughtful look.

Tommy's eyebrows furrowed, "Do you know that Wilbur's alive?"

"Kinda? I usually get told about it by Phil since he knows how I don't watch either of you that much. If I do, I'm probably in a chaotic mood," the (H/c)ette replied.

Tommy gave an offended look, "Do you find me annoying?"


(Y/n) snickered when she saw the look that crossed Tommy's face.

"Fuck you too, bitch."

"Yada yada, keep running your mouth like that and I'll tell either Wilbur or Phil that you're bullying me," she jokes, gazing up into the clear blue sky that barely held any clouds in it.

The clouds reminded (Y/n) of cotton balls in a way.

"I hate you," Tommy huffed out, forcing his head away–trying to hide a smile of amusement.

The (H/c)ette shrugged his shoulders, "Eh. You're not the first one to say that to me."

Hearing this caused Tommy to turn and look at her.

"Who's the bitch I have to fight? Only I can bully you," Tommy angrily grumbled out.

(Y/n) waved a hand of theirs, "An old bully of mine, despite them going to my current college."

This information captured Tommy's attention, "You're in college?"

"Uh-huh," the (H/c)ette tiredly nodded their head.

Before Tommy could say anything, he was flicked in the nose, which caused him to retaliate backwards a bit.

"What was that for?! I'm just looking out for you!" He exclaimed.

(Y/n) gave a gentle smile, "Don't worry about looking out for me, okay? It's my problem and my problem only. If it gets out of hand I'll tell both you and Phil, alright?"

Tommy gave an angry pouty look, "You fucking better, you bitch."

The (H/c)ette released a laugh and nodded her head, "I will, I promise."

Tommy released his nose and grinned, "Do you wanna go bully Dream with me? By the looks of it, he joined the game on his alt account, DreamXD."

(Y/n) responded with a grin of his own, "Oh hell yeah."

"Let's go!"

The duo then went off to find Dream in his alt account for Minecraft.


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