《 Meet Up 》

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Tw: cursing

The remaining days finally went by quite quickly.

(Y/n) could be seen wearing a pair of grey cargo pants, a (F/c) fancy shirt that was rolled up to the elbow, and a pair of black fashionable knee high combat boots.

They were currently waiting for a train with a bored look on her face.

Sighing heavily, he brought out their phone and scrolled through social media.

She only used one social media app and that was Instagram seeing as Twitter was nothing but drama and cancelations.

The sound of a train blaring captured their attention which was heard from behind her earbuds.

Muffled sounds were heard but he was able to make out the fact that this was the right train.

Once the doors slid open, the (H/c)ette instantly made way and took an open seat before the train could get busy.

Sighing deeply, they placed her phone back into his pocket before staring out of the train's window that they sat beside.

The soft pitter patter of the raindrops that started to fall down from the dark colored sky lulled the teen to sleep.

The only thing that could be heard was the music from the earbuds and the raindrops.

Tommy and Tubbo waited at the train station seeing as they decided to meet up together first and head over to surprise the (H/c)ette together.

The sound of upcoming wheels coming to a stop captured their attention as they looked up and away from their phones.

Tubbo got up off of the bench with excitement, "We get to see (N/n)!"

Tommy laughed hard at the older teen's attention as he too got up onto his feet.

The train finally came to a rolling stop and parked.

The light drizzle of the rain storm passed about an hour ago so everything except the dry places were damped.

Sounds of multiple doors opening were heard as people stepped off of the train with either relief or silent grief.

Familiar (H/c) locks captured the duo's attention seeing as their tall figure leered over everyone else's short figures.

"(N/n)!" Tubbo hollered, waving his hand back and forth.

(Y/n) lifted her head up in surprise as he heard a familiar British accent behind their now lowered song.

The (H/c)ette looked around before noticing Tubbo and Tommy's figures and smiled a bit, walking over to them.

"Hey guys!" (Y/n) greeted kindly with a grin.

"You're so tall, (Y/n)! Even taller than Ranboo, maybe!" Tubbo excitedly gasped.

Hearing this caused the said teen to sweatdrop, "Really?"

"Uh-huh!" Tubbo nodded his head.

"You really are a tall fucking bitch, aren't you?" Tommy asked with a teasing smile on his lips.

"It's just that both of you are short," (Y/n) teasingly answered back.

"You...fucking bitch!" Tommy hissed out in fake anger.

"We should go meet up with Wilbur, he's waiting for us in the car!" Tubbo declared, grabbing onto the sleeves of both Tommy and (Y/n).

The (H/c)ette and the blonde gazed at the short brunette.

Tommy was dumbfounded at Tubbo's strength.

While (Y/n)?

They didn't seem bothered as she picked up both Tommy and Tubbo like bags of rice.

"How are you this fucking strong, you tall bean?!" Tommy asked in disbelief.

"Working out," (Y/n) answered, with a deadpan look on his face.

Tubbo was acting like a little kid seeing as he swung his arms back and forth with excitement.

"You remind me of a cat, Tubbo," the (H/c)ette laughed out.

Tubbo puffed out his cheeks, "No I don't."

This received a shrug from (Y/n).

Another brunette captured the (H/c)ette's attention, "Is that Wilbur?"

"Wilby!" Tommy hollered, capturing the said man's attention.

Wilbur looked over and gazed at the situation with wide eyes.

"What the hell, mate? How'd you two end up like this?" He chuckled.

"Did you know that (N/n) worked out?" Tubbo chirped.

Wilbur's eyes widened in disbelief as he gazed at the taller teen in front of him.

"Is that really you, (Y/n)?" Wilbur asked in surprise.

"Yup, how ya doin'?" The (H/c)ette replied with an amused and warm smile as they settled the other two teens onto their feet.

Wilbur laughed, "I've been doing well."

"Did you three really wait for me? Damn, you guys could be watching the news or something until I texted for you guys to come and pick me up," (Y/n) sighed in disappointment.

"Then Phil would be crafting a belt," Tommy snickered out.

"Ah yes, he really does like crafting that belt," Tubbo agreed with a laugh of his own.

"Where do you guys plan on heading first?" Wilbur asked as the four of them got into the car and buckled.

"The arcade!" Tommy and Tubbo hollered.

Wilbur glanced over at the (H/c)ette who had decided to take the passenger seat.

"Any idea where you want to go?" The curly haired brunette asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The arcade and food afterwards are good enough for me," (Y/n) answered.

Tubbo and Tommy cheered as Wilbur nodded his head and started up the car.

"The arcade it is!" Wilbur declared as he drove off with every single one of them buckled up.


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