《 Tubbo 》

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Tw: light cursing

"Stop looking at the fucking bees, Tubbo!" Tommy complained as he did his best to try and push the shorter but older brunette away from the bee.

"But I like bees!" Tubbo pouted, crossing his arms over his chest with a disappointed look.

Tommy groaned and rolled his eyes, "Of course you do!"

After Tommy woke up earlier, he realized that he was still on call with a sleeping (H/c)ette and decided to leave quietly with a small farewell since he didn't want to bother the sleeping other.

Now, both Tubbo and Tommy were in the realistic version in Minecraft seeing as they decided to stream in the middle of the day.

"So, I heard that you, Wilbur, and maybe (Y/n) are gonna be doing something, care to explain why?" Tubbo asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tommy sighed, "I thought it was a good idea to show them around, so that they don't get lost in the future."

Tubbo nodded his head in agreement, "That's a good idea actually, we don't know how good their sense of direction is."

Someone decided to join the call which they didn't notice until someone spoke up.

"And why are you guys talking about me?" A familiar (H/c)ette asked, covering up a yawn.

"Oh, hey, (Y/n)!" Tubbo greeted, already knowing who the figure was due to Wilbur telling him.

"Hello," (Y/n) greeted back with a bored look on her face as he glanced back and forth onto their phone and laptop.

"Did you just wake up?" Tommy asked, lowering his voice a bit which his and Tubbo's chats noticed.

"Mmhm, I should be fully awake in a few minutes though," (Y/n) simply answered.

Tubbo giggled a bit at (Y/n)'s morning voice.

"And what are you giggling at, Tubbo?" The (H/c)ette asked with a confused look.

"You're morning voice," Tubbo cheerfully answered.

Tommy was silently sipping at his can of coca-cola, listening to the conversation on Discord.

"Are you free to play with us, (Y/n)? Fucking chat wants you to join the stream," Tommy grumbled out while reading the flying messages of his stream.

The sound of a thud was then heard right after that.

"The hell?" Tubbo chirped out, dumbfounded on what just happened.

"I fell off the bed, no worries," (Y/n) answered.

Tommy was dumbfounded as he and Tubbo listened to the (H/c)ette move around a bit before sitting on their bed.

"Wait, how the fuck did you know that Tubbo and I were in this voice chat?!" He asked.

Clicking her tongue, (Y/n) gazed at the Discord, "A magician never tells their secret."

"Bitch!" Tommy exclaimed.

Tubbo snickered lightly, before realizing something.

"Wait, (Y/n)!" Tubbo piped up.

"Huh? Yeah?" (Y/n) questioned as she settled up on his Minecraft account so that they could hang out on the smp for a bit.

"Have you ever met Benson?" Tubbo asked with excitement as he reached behind him.

"Benson?" (Y/n) questioned.

"His duck," Tommy grumbled.

Tubbo showed a small white fake duck behind the screen.

"This is Benson!" He beamed.

(Y/n) softly laughed in amusement, "It's nice to meet you, Benson."

Tubbo's smile widened, "Tommy!"

"What is it, bitch?" Tommy grumbled out as he bit into a red apple.

(Y/n) sweatdropped as he gazed between the two with confusion in her (E/c) eyes.

"Can I come to meet up with you two? Please!" Tubbo pleaded, with a hopeful look on his face.

Tommy held an annoyed look.

"What? Why?" He mumbled.

"Just because! I want to meet (Y/n) too," Tubbo quickly answered.

"N–" Tommy was cut off.

"Sure you can, Tubbo. The more the merrier I guess?" (Y/n) answered with a shrug of their shoulders.

Tubbo cheered loudly with excitement while Tommy angrily pouted.

"Maybe we could go to an arcade?" Tubbo questioned, placing a finger onto his chin.

"That sounds fun, how about you, Tommy?" (Y/n) replied, returning her attention back to the pouting blonde boy.

Tommy brought his attention back to the duo when he heard his name.

"The what?" Tommy asked, confused.

"The arcade. Were you even listening? Eh, oh well," the (H/c)ette answered with a sigh leaving their lips.

The duo didn't realize that they'd been talking for almost two hours until they saw their streams.

(Y/n) had built a small shack surrounded by trees during that short time and were currently eating a piece of pumpkin pie that they had in their inventory.

"We should be ending the stream now, bye chat!" Tubbo chirped as he ended the stream.

Ending the streams, the trio sat in Discord with face cam on.

"So Twitter has been going crazy again," (Y/n) began as he scrolled through Twitter on her phone.

Tubbo gave a confused look, "What do you mean?"

"They're excited for our meet up and apparently you and this Ranboo dude are also meeting up," the (H/c)ette simply answered.

A look of realization went across Tubbo's face, "Oh, yeah!"

Tubbo didn't see the mischievous glances that Tommy and (Y/n) sent at each other.

They had a plan that would include barging into a live stream.


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