《 Little Bit Of A Field Trip 》

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Tw: light cursing

(Y/n) clicked their tongue as Wilbur parked the car.

"So, are we gonna introduce death or sweets first?" She randomly asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked over at the teens in the backseat.

Tommy and Tubbo glanced at each other and grinned.

"Games first, of course!" Tubbo cheered.

"So death? Okay," (Y/n) agreed.

This caused Tommy to cackle.

"Why are you calling games 'death'?" He asked.

"Don't you just hate it when someone shorter than you asks a question?" (Y/n) asked Wilbur, ignoring the angry blonde teen behind them.

Wilbur laughed as all four of them exited the car, lightly slamming the doors so that the curly haired brunette could lock the doors with a pair of car keys.

"What game do you plan on playing first, (N/n)?" Tubbo asked curiously.

The (H/c)ette hummed lightly before shrugging their shoulders, "Probably the one that catches my attention."

Tubbo nodded his head in understanding.

Wilbur was able to move away from the group so that he could buy tokens for the teens.

"So, when is Ranboo supposed to come and visit?" (Y/n) asked with curiosity.

Tommy raised an eyebrow at the shorter brunette of the group.

Tubbo brightened, "In a few days, actually!"

Tommy then decided to be annoying and gave a grin.

"So do you have anyone that you like, (Y/n)?" Tommy teased.

"No, but I am currently married to my platonic lover," (Y/n) answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

This surprised the duo as they stared at the female beside them.

"You're platonically married!?" Tubbo gasped out in excitement.

(Y/n) laughed and nodded their head, "(F/n)'s the best."

"Who's this (F/n)?" Tommy asked with a confused look.

"Hm? Ah, (F/n) is one of my best friends from college," (Y/n) answered.

"If it's not rude, what's their pronouns?" Tubbo worriedly asked.

"Don't worry, you just want to be respectful to xem. And they go by xe and xem," the (H/c)ette replied with a gentle smile.

Tubbo brightened up.

Wilbur came walking back over with four plastic cups filled with coins.

"And what are you three talking about, mates?" Wilbur asked, overhearing the conversation.

"We're being introduced to (Y/n)'s platonic lover," Tommy answered.

This amused Wilbur, "Does Phil know?"

"Why of course he does," (Y/n) huffed out.

Wilbur laughed before handing the three each a cup of coins, "You three go and play games for a bit, I'll text Tubbo or Tommy when it's time to go."

"Got it, big man!" Tommy agreed.

"Right!" Tubbo chirped.

"Alright," (Y/n) replied.

The three teens went off together, leaving Wilbur to play games by himself.

"You fucking little traitors," Wilbur laughed before going off to a crane game.

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