《 Bullying A Homeless Blob 》

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Tw: cursing

It didn't take long for the duo to find Dream.


Dream had found them instead of them finding him.

It was amusing really.

Tommy had told Dream to join the vc that he and (Y/n) had.

And now, Dream was listening to the two teenagers bully him.

"Tommy, who is this?" Dream asked with a disappointed sigh escaping his lips.

Tommy cackled, "A new bitch of mine, Dream."

(Y/n) turned and quickly back pivoted Tommy away from her before holding a hand out, with a fake friendly smile on his lips.

"What the fuck you bitch!?" Tommy hollered as he stumbled onto his feet.

The (H/c)ette just ignored the shorter teen, "I'm (Y/n)."

Dream narrowed his eyes at the teen before him as he shook their hand.

"You can call me, Dream."

(Y/n) nodded her head with a smile of amusement on his lips.

Dropping their hands to his side, (Y/n) giggled a bit.

A shiver ran up Dream's spine when he saw the mischievous look in the other's eyes.

"Did you know that people like calling you homeless?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk.

"I'm not homeless!" Dream exclaimed.

"That's what a homeless person would say in your world here," they teased.

Tommy was already cackling out in loud laughter.

Dream gave an offended look towards the (H/c)ette.

"I do have a house! It's the biggest one on this server!" He exclaimed.

(Y/n) raised an amused eyebrow, "And where's that? The prison?"

Dream looked like an angry pouting adult as he kept a light glare on the other despite finding all the slander towards him amusing.

"Suck it, green boy!" Tommy hollered while cackling with laughter.

"Oh, also, Tommy?" (Y/n) slowly turned towards the said blonde who froze a bit.

A warm, kind, and menacing smile could be seen on the female's lips.

"Why am I called your 'bitch'? We literally just met yesterday," he sweetly asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tommy tried his best to figure out an idea that wouldn't get him killed.

"I meant it in a friendly way, (Y/n)!" He quickly explained.

"You better," (Y/n) replied as they turned towards a snickering Dream.

"So, how's it being a homeless blob?"

Dream gave an angry but amused look, "I'm not homeless! Stop assuming that!"

(Y/n) shrugged his shoulders as she grinned, "But it's true, isn't it? You don't even have a house, weren't you the one that told Techno that you didn't even sleep during that one live stream?"

Dream went blank.

The teen before him had seen Techno's live streams.

"(N/n), do you watch Techno?" Tommy asked.

(Y/n) turned towards Tommy with a raised eyebrow, "D-Did you just call me, (N/n), Tommy?"

The blonde seem to realize what he said, "No I fucking did not! I said (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) grinned, "You did, didn't you! Awe, you're embarrassed aren't you, Tommy?"

Dream looked between the two and did a silent wheeze when he saw the embarrassed blush and look on Tommy's face.

"Fuck off!" Tommy exclaimed as he turned his head away.

(Y/n) covered their lips and laughed a bit, "It's okay, Tommy! You can call me (N/n)."

Tommy felt relieved at the fact that the other didn't seem bothered or worried at the nickname that he had given her.

Dream then glanced at the (H/c)ette, "Wilbur told me a bit about you actually. About how your Phil's adopted child?"

(Y/n) turned their head and nodded, "Uh-huh."

"He's been talking about putting you into the lore a lot, which means he's basically forcing you to stay in the smp," Dream laughed a bit.

(Y/n) furrowed his eyebrows as she sighed out in disappointment.

"Sounds about right," they answered.

Dream hummed a bit, "You realize that you can deny him, right?"

"Uh-huh, he'll probably kill off my character with either a wither or Techno, so it doesn't really matter to me," (Y/n) answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

Dream laughed a bit, nodding his head in agreement.

Wilbur could sometimes be unpredictable depending on how he would write his share of the script for everyone.

(Y/n) knew that some of the Smp was scripted but not a lot of it.

Some of it just flowed its way into the lore that wasn't even supposed to happen.

"I gotta go now," Dream suddenly said.

Tommy had muted himself since he was probably doing something.

"Alright, see ya, homeless man," the (H/c)ette replied.

"I'm not home– Whatever."

With that Dream left the game after having small talk.

(Y/n) turned her head towards Tommy with a confused look in his eyes.

The said blonde had suddenly muted out of nowhere but they knew not to bother the slightly shorter teen.

"Oh, a bee!" (Y/n) exclaimed when they saw a buzzing bee flying by with its gentle buzzes.

"Buzz, buzz."

Tommy had unmuted himself just to hear the female beside him try to imitate the bee.

"What the fuck!" He laughed.

"Fuck you too, RaccoonInnit," (Y/n) simply replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I'm not a fucking raccoon!" He complained.


"I'm not!"


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