《 Slenderman's Arrival To The UK! 》

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(Y/n) laid on Tubbo's extended couch/sofa.

They were currently waiting for him and his mother seeing as the day had finally come.

Ranboo was coming to the UK today.

After being dropped off at the house with Tubbo, the said brunette had given them some of his dad's clothes seeing as the (H/c)ette never bought any.

A ding from her phone captured his attention which made them sit up.

Reaching over, they snatched his phone as she turned it on.

A text from Tubbo captured their attention.

They were on their way back home with Ranboo.

And well, this just amused the tall teen even more.

Looking over at the Nerf gun that they had ordered months ago after moving in with Phil– laid up against and near the glass sliding doors.

"Should I?" (Y/n) mumbled out loud.

(E/c) eyes sparkled with mischievous intent as they got up off of the couch and walked over to the Nerf gun with socks still on their owner's feet.

Picking up the blue and orange object, a grin lifted up onto the teen's lips.

Looking over at the clock, she laughed.

"We got about five or ten minutes left until Tubbo, his mother, and Ranboo roll up in front of the house. I gotta make this plan simple!" (Y/n) declared, his eyes glimmering.

Without slipping, the (H/c)ette was able to head over to their shoes and slip it onto his feet.

"Where can a tall teen like me hide? Hmm," she asked himself as they walked outside, closing the door behind them once opening it.

Looking around at the land that the house sat on, it was possible to hide in the tall trees and not get spotted at all.

Ranboo didn't know that they were here which was an extra point in her book.

Walking over to a random tall tree, he climbed up it.

Now all she had to do was sit there and wait for the next few minutes.

The sound of a car rolling up captured the (H/c)ette's attention which caused them to look down and over in confusion.

In the front, Tubbo could be seen leaving the car with a masked male following right after.

The height of the male beside Tubbo didn't seem surprising to (Y/n) but she found it funny though.

'So this must be Ranboo, huh?'

Tubbo seemed to notice that (H/c)ette in the tree and gave a small wave up to them.

(Y/n) returned the small wave with their own.

Tubbo and Ranboo entered the house and into the said brunette's room to probably stream.

Jumping off of the tree they say on, she quickly made sure to stay out of sight of the glass sliding doors.

Muffled movement and talking was heard as a live stream was starting up.

A small quiet giggle left (Y/n)'s lips as he clutched onto the Nerf gun that sat in their hands.

She could see Tubbo helping out Ranboo while pulling up a chair beside him.

'He sounds like an off-brand version of Techno, what the hell!'

The (H/c)ette tried their best not to laugh since he didn't want her position of hiding to be noticed.

Despite the talking sounding muffled, the tall teen with the Nerf gun was able to make sense of the conversation.

"(Y/n) is gonna be a little late, about ten minutes seeing as their train decided to be a jerk to them," Tubbo lied with a laugh leaving his lips.

The brunette knew how the dirty blonde male didn't know that the actually said teen was outside waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"Oh, okay," Ranboo replied with a head nod.

Tubbo gave an unnoticeable peek towards the glass doors and gave a thumbs up so that the now ongoing live stream wouldn't notice.

Ranboo didn't hear the sliding door open a bit as he had headphones on his head.

Tubbo gaze at the panicking Twitch chat that was telling Ranboo to look over at the door.

Another part of the Twitch chat was just sending laughing emotes, knowing who the teen was that came in from the back door.

"Enemy spotted."

A small shout of fear and surprise left Ranboo's lips as he was suddenly picked up bridal style which caused the headphones to fall off of his head.

Tubbo was laughing like a maniac as the (H/c)ette tossed the dirty blonde onto the couch/sofa.

"It's Nerf or nothing," the (H/c)ette cackled as they started shooting the foamed bullets straight at the fallen male.

Ranboo covered his face a bit but laughed slightly.

"(N/n)!" Tubbo cheered with laughter.

Lowering the Nerf gun off to her side, he held out a hand.

"Nice to meet ye mate, welcome to the UK," (Y/n) greeted with a welcoming smile.

Ranboo smiled a bit underneath his mask as he grabbed onto (Y/n)'s hand with his own gloved one.

"Wait! Wait! Chat is asking for a size comparison!" Tubbo exclaimed while reading the chat.

The two tall teens stared at each other with sweat rolling down the side of their heads.

With a sigh of defeat, they walked over to the glass doors and stood right beside each other.

Tubbo watched as the chat went haywire.

"They're the same height, chat! How is (N/n) taller than Ranboo!?" Tubbo exclaimed.

(Y/n) laughed hard when she realized that he was taller than Ranboo.

"You have met your match, Ranboo. Tall teens for life," Tubbo read out a donation.

Ranboo laughed a bit as he went back over to the chair he previously sat in.

"Looks like we're being nicknamed the Tall duo," the dirty blonde haired teen snickered.

"Oh well, at least it isn't the Slenderman duo," (Y/n) replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

And just like that, Slenderman duo and Tall duo were being spammed in the chat.

"You doomed us!" Ranboo exaggerated.

"Chat, why?!" (Y/n) exclaimed in disappointment.

Tubbo was trying his best to stop laughing which wasn't working at all.

"We should continue the stream," Ranboo states.

"Right," Tubbo agreed once he finally calmed down his laughing.

"Anyways, how are you guys doing, chat?" (Y/n) asked as they pulled up another chair and sat in between Tubbo and Ranboo.

The rest of the stream went smoothly with Tubbo playing with his keyboard making music here and there.


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