《 Hopping Onto The Smp 》

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Tw: cursing

(Y/n) scrolled through their phone as he listened to the television that talked about random things right in front of her.

The sound of walking caught her attention which caused him to look up and over.

It was Kristin.

She was holding an amused look towards them.

"Phil told me to tell you that Tommy wanted you," she explained, laughing a bit.

The (H/c)ette tried to wonder what Tommy wanted before coming across the fact that the shorter teen wanted to talk with him.

A look of disbelief crossed her face, "Do I have to?"

Kristin nodded her head, "Tommy basically said that if you don't, he'll bother Phil for a whole week."

(Y/n) got up onto their feet, "Bruh... Damn it, I wanted a normal laid back day, but no. The child wants to be a fucking bothersome Zigzagoon."

Kristin and (Y/n) left the bedroom.

"Welp, time to go bully a...sixteen or seventeen years old."

"Don't bully him too hard," Kristin lightly scolded.

"No promises," (Y/n) replied with a small laugh leaving her lips.

The (H/c)ette entered Phil's room, which captured his attention.

"You're gonna bully the child, aren't you?" He asked with a snicker leaving his lips.

"Yep," (Y/n) agreed, nodding his head as a smirk lifted onto their lips, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Phil laughed and pointed over to the extra space beside his monitors when he saw (Y/n)'s laptop.

(Y/n) nodded their head as she set up his laptop and opened it.

Pressing the extra pair of earbuds into his ears, she started up Minecraft and waited for the game to load.

The loud voice of Tommy captured their attention as she looked over with a confused look.

He could hear Tommy's loud voice from Phil's headphones.

Phil seemed to notice and giggled.

The older male lifted a finger onto his lips towards chat as (Y/n) joined the Dream Smp Discord chat on their phone.

The (H/c)ette connected their earbuds into the phone before joining the voice chat.

"Why the fuck are you so loud?" (Y/n) asked.

"WAHHHH!" Tommy screamed out in shock.

"Pfft-" the (H/c)ette snickered as she tried his best not to burst out into laughter.

"You bitch!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Mate!" Phil laughed.

"I'm joining the game...so realistic, here we go."

As (Y/n) joined in the Smp, the world became more realistic and somewhat beautiful.

Their Minecraft character looked just like him but she was wearing a (F/a) mask on the side of their head.

The (H/c)ette stared at the horrible created spawn area, "What the hell is this?"

"We call it spawn, if that's what you're wondering," Tommy huffed out.

"Well, it's ugly," (Y/n) replied with a sigh of disappointment, fixing their fingerless gloves on her hands.

His eyes came into contact with Tommy and Phil's figures once they entered the spawn area.

"Are you coming or not, mate?" Phil asked, nudging a hand towards the exit of the spawn area.

"Uh-huh, yep."

The (H/c)ette went over to the two before being led out.

"So, where's Wilbur?" She asked, glancing over at the two in front of him.

Tommy scoffed, "He's in a voice call with Dream right now, planning something."

"Ah, yes. Lore, something that destroys everyone due to the angst and the high pressure," (Y/n) replied.

Tommy then realized something, "Wait, what's your pronouns so that I don't fuck it up."

(Y/n) rolled his eyes, "He, she, and they."

"So you're like Eret?" Tommy asked with a look of astonishment.

"Hell yeah, I am. Eret is the queen, the king, and the royal in between. And I? A mere peasant," (Y/n) answered with a wide smile on her lips.

Phil giggled in amusement at the answer.

Tommy and Phil's chats were excited to learn the pronouns of the (H/c)ette seeing as they had already gotten used to their presence.

The young blonde turned towards the taller female and placed his hands onto his shoulders, "Are you an anarchist or someone that follows the rules?"

(Y/n) gazed dumbfounded at the male before them, "And why is this being asked right now?"

Phil chuckled, "It's because Techno is being the main anarchist on the server, which is why he's asking."

The (H/c)ette narrowed his eyes at the two in front of her, "And isn't Techno an American?"

Tommy held a look of hope which quickly disappeared.

"I shall join the American side, which also holds Phil and Niki," (Y/n) declared.

Phil went into full blown laughter when he saw Tommy's face.

"What the fuck, man!? I thought you would've been on my side!" Tommy complained.

A sneaky grin lifted onto the female's lips as he placed a hand onto Tommy's head.

"Are you perhaps jealous, Tommy?" They joked.

"I am not fucking jealous, woman!" Tommy replied.

Phil had to pause his game as he laughed hard.

"Aw, don't worry. If I plan to stay on the server, I could be a double agent. However, I don't think that'll happen unless someone pulls me in," the (H/c)ette chirped.

Tommy stayed silent, "Wilbur!"

The laughter of Phil went even harder at the fact of Tommy calling for Wilbur.


Tommy narrowed his eyes at the taller, "You're staying whether you like it or not."

"Well... Damn. Looks like I have no choice then."

"You don't."

"Damn it."


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