Modern Stuff

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Aro had gotten tiktok, after seeing you on it 24/7. He had decided to try to learn some of the dances, to impress you.  One day, he just walks into the room, trying to 'throw it back'. The man looked offended when you laughed, and went to ask Caius what he thought since 'somebody' didn't appreciate his dancing skills. Next thing you know the kings where practicing their tiktok dances in between trial, and forcing the guards into it.


The man would get irritated when you would use modern slang, and he would just be confused. After a while he had decided he would learn to use modern phrases and words. One day while speaking with you and his brothers, he randomly turned to you and said, "you have mad cake." You nearly peed yourself, you couldn't breath. Caius got embarrassed, and Aro tried to explain to Marcus what that meant.


Marcus had seen you long boarding around the castle, and was infatuated with it. Emediatly he bought books, and learned about the history, and the physics. Soon enough he bought his own. You told him it would take practice, but Emediatly he did it perfectly. The next day you seen him long boarding while writing a letter. This man was on a long board, with the volturi symbol carved into it, writing a letter in his perfect cursive. It was hilarious. Next thing you know the entire gaurd and the other two kings have them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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