Chapter 18

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"Hello miss Thea Anderson"

"How do you know her name?" Zachary demanded, not having known my last name himself.

"I told you to go" I scolded, not taking my eyes off Dr Smith in fear he would escape.

"Well her and I go way back, about 13 years back if I'm not mistaken" my mouth falls open at the date mentioned.

"Thea?" Zachary questioned my shaking figure. I took in a deep breath and shot the man who stood before me. "Thea!" Zachary rushed to catch me as I stumbled backwards with shock. He held me in his arms as tears fell from my eyes. "It's gonna be okay" he reminded me softly, looking to the dead man a few feet away.

"Thea, Zach what was that?" Emily worried through comms at the gunshot.

"Thea killed him" Zachary reported, moving to remove the mask from the man, only to find that it was the wrong man. "We have a problem" he mumbled before returning to me and taking me back to the jet. He had an arm gently wrapped around my waist as he took us back and sat me down, Flint piloting the jet and taking us back to base. I sat in silence, staring at the ground the entire flight.

"She shot the wrong man?" Sage questioned as we all stood around the control room and looked at the dead man I had killed on the large screen ahead.

"It wasn't her fault. He had a gun pointed at us and threatened both of us" Zachary stepped in to defend my actions.

"Well Dr Smith is still out there" Flint reminded the group. "And we need to find him before he plans something bigger."

"Did the fake tell you anything that might have given away anything?" Emily turned to me gently. With a huff I simply stormed out of the room, catching everyone's eyes at my sudden movement. They turned to look at each other with caution and confusion as to what just happened.

"What was that about?" Charlie starts to ask.

"I'll go—" Emily starts to stand up straighter before getting cut off.

"I'll go check on her" Zachary storms past her. He carefully turns the corner into the hallway to find me shakily running a hand through my long brown hair as I pace back and forth with shaky breath.

"It's all my fault" I mumbled to myself.

"Hey are you alright?" He leaned against the wall with his arms crossing in front of his chest. I suddenly broke down even more at his words and collapsed to the ground. The world around me blurred as a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. I sobbed into Zachary's chest, him holding me tightly against his warmth.

"It's all my fault" I continued to cry, gripping his shirt in my tight fists.

"No, no it's not. You didn't do anything wrong. You saved me." Zachary whispered into my ear to comfort me. "Let's get you to bed, you need to get some rest" he swiftly scooped me into his arms and carried me to my room. As soon as I was set down in my bed the future boy was once again gone.

"Oh" I sighed before moving to wipe my tears and get changed into other clothes as my head was racing with thoughts still. "Come in" I sniffled as a knock was heard on my door.

"Hey, sorry I left, I thought you would want to get changed and I brought some tea" he shoved forward the mug in his hand.

"Thank you Zachary" I pulled him into a tight hug and felt him stiffen at first before relaxing again.

"It was nothing. We need our best agent to be ready for the mission" he smiled, pulling away to sit in my desk chair. "Do you wanna talk about it- I mean you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable but" he starts to ramble.

"Thirteen years ago my parents died and I was taken in by shield" I started the story again, looking at the mug in my hand. "The mask he wore was also the same mask Dr Smith wore when I last fought him."

Question of the day: what was your reaction to Thea shooting the fake Doctor?

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