Chapter 24

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"Thea, you will train with Daisy in a safe controlled environment until you can control your powers. You will still be isolated from the others most of the time but we will let you leave the containment cell" Jemma explained after three weeks of me waiting alone in the cell with Zachary and a few of the others coming to visit on occasion.

"Hey kid. We are going straight to the training room on your moms orders and going to see what we can do about your powers" Daisy opened the door to my cell, letting me take in the fresh air from the other side of the glass as I carefully stepped out but moved back a second later. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared, what if I hurt you or one of the others?" I began to worry and tremble in fear of my own ability's.

"That will only happen if you don't learn how to control it so let's get going" she guided me through the familiar base and locked the door behind us. "Sit down" Daisy instructed. "Close your eyes" she too joined me on the floor and did as I did. We meditated by Daisy's instruction, seeing if that would help us focus on my powers.

"I don't think it's working" I told her.

"Then we will try again tomorrow. Go straight to your room and I will bring you something to eat" with a nod I stood up and left.

"Hey Thea! Your out already" Zachary's voice cheered from behind me.

"Stay back" I warned, holding my hands out to keep him away.

"What? Why?"

"I'm dangerous and we can't have any contact until I can control these powers" I signed, lowering my hands and turning back around. "I'm sorry" with that I slid into my room and sat down with a long sigh.

"Oh" a frown had formed on the future boys face at the news but he knew it was for the safety of him and his friends, he just couldn't help but feel bad for me and what I was going through alone.


"Rise and shine Thea!" Daisy called into my room as she poked her head in.

"Already up" I walked right past her and marched towards the training room.

"Woah, slow your roll" she jogged to catch up with me. "What's the hurry?"

"I can't do anything useful until I train and control my powers" I stated the facts and she nodded along before correcting me.

"You don't control them"

"Excuse me?"

"You don't control your powers, you learn how to use them and you learn your limits but you can't control them" Daisy restated with a further explanation. "So now that you understand that, the real work can begin." She opened the doors and we entered but before I could set down my water bottle I was quaked from behind. "Lesson one, never let your guard down" I remembered the same words from May years ago when she was training me to be a field agent.

"But I don't know how to even use my powers" I protested.

"Well your gonna learn sooner or later" she moved to quake me again but I dodged it this time, pushing my hand towards her as a black force pushed her back. "Good!" She cheered. This continued back and forth all day, Daisy and I both taking a sending hits to each other.

"Thanks" I took her hand as she helped me to my feet, both of us drenched in sweat.

"I'm gonna go rest and I recommend you do the same" she hobbled out of the room in pain from the pain she was in after fighting. I grabbed my bottle and towel and made my way back to my room where I immediately flopped down on my bed.

"So how did training go?" Zacharys voice caused me to open my eyes and shot up to a standing position.

"You can't be in here!" I worried.

"I'm fine" he claimed, taking a seat in my chair.

"But I'm not Zachary. I'm dangerous" I reminded him.

"Not to me. I know you won't hurt me" he was too calm about the situation that it was putting me more on edge.

"And why's that?"

"Because you will force the pain onto yourself before you let anyone else in this base take a hit" the boy explained, leaning back in the chair. "So how was training today?" He questioned once he noticed I was going to let him stay.

"I did okay, I mean I still don't really know my limits but I could throw some hits back at Daisy and even block a few of her own punches" I explained proudly.

"That's amazing!" He cheered with excitement for me. "Well you seem tired so I'll leave you to get some rest so that you can take Daisy down in a fight tomorrow"

"That's all it takes to get you to leave?" I joked as he laughed and shook his head on his way out.

Question of the day: what do you think of Thea starting to use her powers?

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