Chapter 33

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"Thea?" Zachary turned back when he noticed his partner had stopped.

"Go Zachary, I'll hold them off!" I called, looking back to the boy who once annoyed me to death with a saddened look on my face telling him everything he needed to know.

"But you don't know how to control your powers yet! It's could kill you!"

"I know, that's why you need to go, now!" I turned to face Dr Smith once again, extending my arms and closing my eyes to focus on my powers within. I looked back to Zachary one last time with a sad smile, a single tear running down my cheek before darkness consumed me and I shot all of my energy towards the Dr who had controlled my nightmares from my entire life.

"Thea!" Zachary races to his partner as the darkness settles but he is too late. He didn't both to look and see that the doctor and all of his men had been killed, he only cared about one thing. "Thea, please be alive" he begged, falling next to me and pulling my limp body into his lap. "Come one Thea, this isn't funny" he started, smoothening my hair that had fallen out of my ponytail.

"Please, we need you" he started to choke up at the idea of me really being gone. "I need you!" He cried, knowing now that I wasn't coming back. He sat there crying for another moment before his comm went off.

"Zach, where are you two? We are leaving" Sage called out to him from back on the plane. "It's not safe here anymore, there was a large power surge" she further explained to him.

"I'm coming" he replied, wiping away his tears and picking up my cold limp body bridal style. His face fell blank and he marched back to the plane after the events he had previously witnessed.

The team stared at Zach with shock and fear as they noticed the silent tears that streamed down his emotionless face, holding my dead body in his arms. Everyone's eyes went wide at the sight, gasping as they realized the truth of the situation that had happened.

"Help her" Zachary begged as the team of young agents stood around in shock. They all snapped to attention at the sudden realization, coming back to the present moment.

"Thea!" Emily cried, running forward to her friend.

"Get her to the lab!" Charlie shouted out, trying to help Zachary carry the injured girl into her portable lab. Zach carried her in, himself, afraid to let go of her for the fact she might really be gone. "Zach I need you to step back" his friend tried to make him leave but he refused.

"I'm not leaving her!"

"Just step back Zach" Sage told her friend. Flint stood back, holding Emily as tears streamed down both their faces.

"May we need to get back to the base ASAP." Flint ordered the pilot over comms.

"We'll need to get her in with Fitzsimmons right away." Charlie started as he hooked me up to a heart rate monitor. The monitor went flat as soon as it was hooked up, making the tears fall harder from the members of my team. "Sage get the defibrillator, set charge to 100" Charlie ordered, rushing around and pulled out the machine setting it up. "Charge and clear" he placed the paddles onto my chest, sending a shock through my body. A puff of dark magic came from my body in response but the pulse was still missing. They repeated this process three more times before giving up. "I'm sorry" Charlie looked to everyone, tears welling in his eyes as he excused himself.

"No, Thea!" Zachary cried, rushing to hold my face in his hands. Flint gave him a short pat on the shoulder before the rest of the team left the lab to give him some privacy.

While the others retreated to the living area to clean up and reel in the loss from the mission Zachary sat in the lab, tears flowing again as he held onto my cold hand tightly, hoping and praying it would somehow bring me back.

"I'm sorry, Thea, I should have done better. If on,y I could have helped you or talked you out of it" he cried to himself. "I let you down and I let the team down"

"I know we didn't know her long, but she became a good friend of mine fast" Sage spoke out in the silence as Emily and Flint hugged through tears and Charlie sat staring blankly.

"She always said this team was her family" Emily managed to get the words out.

"She knew what she was doing." Flint reminded, everyone looking to him for further explanation. "She died to save us."

"Why do you all look so glum? You finished your mission" May noted while walking into the common area of the plane to find the four silence teens. "Flint? Emily? Where are Thea and Zach?" The ever so cold and blank Melinda May started to show worry for the young agents.

"She saved us" Emily stated in a soft whisper.

"No" May shook her head.

"I'm sorry May" Flint stood up and she immediately let her guard down and pull my two best friends into a hug. "She finished her mission" he reminded, knowing I was at peace knowing I left them in a better world than she had grown up in.

"I know" the pilot stepped back, wiping away her own tears for their fallen agent. "I'll call Fitzsimmons back to base." She regained her composure and walked off the plane.

"Where is Thea?" Daisy asked, walking past May onto the bus when nobody exited after thirty minutes. May only shook her head low and Daisy knew everything. "No" Daisy gasped at the realization. "I-I could have trained her more, she wasn't ready and it was my fault—"

"Stop! It was her own fault and she knew it. She went in there with orders to finish her mission and kill Smith and that's exactly what she did." May reminded the agent she had once trained.

"Do Fitzsimmons know?"

"Not yet" May walked off to call my parents.


"Where is she?" Fitz stormed into the lab where my body was resting on the table in a body bag. He pulled to an immediate stop at the sight, hand coming to cover is mouth in shock before pulling his wife into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Fitzsimmons, but Thea won't be coming back" Emily started with tears in her eyes.

"No, not my darling" Jemma cried at the news.

"She was killed in action, stopping Dr Smith in the process and finishing her life long mission" Emily added on a simple explanation.

"I'm so sorry for your loss" Zachary spoke for the first time in a week, voice raspy from crying constantly. Fitz hugged Jemma tight as he himself cried a few silent tears for their daughters death.

"I should have never urged her into the field" Jemma started.

"No, this was not your fault" her husband gently reminded, rubbing circles on her back to calm her down. "Thea was a trained agent and she knew what she was doing. We taught her to do the right thing even if it means losing your life."

Question of the day: which reaction to Theas death did you find the saddest?

Only one chapter left!

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