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In silence they ate their breakfast, enjoyed the faint smell of coffee and fresh tea in the air as the radio played quietly in the background. It was snowing still, snowflakes sticking to the windows behind the younger.

"What should we do today?" Hongjoong asked as he took a sip from his coffee. It was warm, not too hot yet still warmed his hands and inside.

The elder shrugged his shoulders. "Let's do things we usually can't to when the kids are around," he suggested, reaching for the honey on the other side of the table.

There was a short silence, then Hongjoong leaned forward with his signature smirk. "Well, we can't fuck when the kids are home~..." he replied, earning a light hit in his head. "you're mean..."

"And you're horny all the time," Seonghwa gave back and rolled his eyes at his husband.

"we can... Let's go to the ice rink, the one in the area of uncle Choi's restaurant," Hongjoong then suggested, "we can get something to eat there and then..."

"Oh! Can we visit the winter exhibition at the gallery further down the restaurant after?" Seonghwa asked excitedly.

A smile widened on the younger's face. "Sounds like a plan then."


"... I can't ice skate-" the younger concluded when they reached the ice rink. It wasn't packed with too many people; the rink was rather private and more known under the local people.

Seonghwa knit his brows. "it's not our first time here?" he questioned and sat on a bench to put on the skates.

"the last time we did this I broke my leg, remember? It was the year we got married," Hongjoong told and seated himself next to the elder. The scarf that was pulled up to his nose hid most of his face well, and as they were dressed as casual as everyone else they didn't even stand out. "And after that we came here with the kids but I never went on the ice again, remember?"

"Oh, right..." the elder took a halt in his movements and remembered the accident. "... To this day I don't know how you managed that... Anyway, come on, put these on," he ordered and closed his own skates. "I'm not doing this alone. Come on."

"What if I break my leg again?"

"... Cry I guess?"

"I hate you so much."

Seonghwa chuckled and knelled down in front of his husband and chanced his shoes for him. He made sure to knot the laces tight and well, then rose again and offered his hand. "This will be fun, just like the first time, ah?" he giggled and pulled the younger onto the skates.

On the ice, Hongjoong didn't let go of the low wall around the rink at all, one hand gripping that and the other tightly holding Seonghwa's who was doing just fine.

"You need to let go eventually, Hongjoong..." he sighed and pulled him further away from the wall.

"How dare- stop I'm going to fall-"

The elder rolled his eyes and reached for the other hand of his husband too, detaching him from the wall completely. Hongjoong bent over a little, struggling with standing up straight at first when Seonghwa guided them further to the middle of the ice rink. "Look, always the same motion, just like this."

Gliding one foot in front of the other carefully, slowly brought them back into motion. Though it took them a while, Hongjoong learned how to at least stand straight and skate. "Oh, not that hard..." he said, picking up his pace.

"Right?" The elder chuckled, guiding them safely though the few couples on the rink with them. Just for a little show off he would let go of the younger's hand to do a turn, skate backwards in a circle and catch him from behind again.

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