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"Okay, that's enough stories for one day!" Seonghwa announced as he looked at the clock. They had spent the whole day telling stories and now the moon had already risen. "It's already so late!"

"But Papa~ we haven't heard all the stories yet~" Wooyoung pouted and held his baby blue album tight to his chest.

Hongjoong tilted his head and lifted Wooyoung in his lap "Promise, we will have time to tell many more stories on another day!" Hongjoong said and stood up with his son on his arm. "But for now, let's make dinner and go to bed, mhm?"

Jongho sulked and put his own golden album away. He wouldn't get the chance to hear the stories in it today anyway.

"Don't be sad Jongie! I can tell you stories about you too!" Yunho said and put his arm around the youngest. "Mhm... Maybe we can all sleep in my room together tonight! And then Sangie, San and I can tell you and Youngie what we can remember!"


Little droplets dripped off the tips of his hairs as he left the bathroom and entered his own bedroom to get dressed. Hongjoong was waring for him, already showed, changed and bed-ready. He was reading a book, spared Seonghwa little side glances while he got dressed into his sleeping wear. The younger closed the book and put it on his nightstand, his arms crossed behind his head, and watched Seonghwa get ready. He found it cute how his feet got tangled up in the pants, or how he put on the shirt wrong first. When he finally got it right, Hongjoong was waiting with open arms. Seonghwa climbed on the bed and crawled over to his husband, plumping down in his arms and snuggling in his chest. "You started to wear a shirt to bed. Getting cold?" Seonghwa muffled into the younger chest and then lifted his head to look at the other.

"I can take it off anytime, if you want to-" Hongjoong smirked back "wouldn't mind, just say you want to see your sexy husband's perfect abs-"

"Mhm, you mean my husband's squishy Dad-body?" Seonghwa giggled and pinched the little roll on Hongjoong's side. The younger jerked up and tried to hide it away, Seonghwa just laughed and buried his hands under the other's shirt. "No~ I want to squeeze it!he playfully pouted and clung onto the other.

"No! You're tickling me!" Hongjoong tried to escape but was buried under the weight of his husband. Soft laughter and chuckles rolled over their lips as they just rolled around in the large bed, tickling the other. It was one of these rare moments where both of them had no other worries, were there was just their family and the moment. They made each other happy. There was nothing more Hongjoong loved than seeing Seonghwa being his playful self, so there was nothing more the older admired and wished for than Hongjoong letting go of all the strings of responsibility for once. Being in love and just playing around once a while made them feel careless again.

"Remember in high school..."


"Park Seonghwa ! I will send you to the principal's office! Sit down immediately!"

"But Sir-"

"No excuses! Let him go!"

"Sir he just-"

"To the principal's office, Park!"

Seonghwa huffed angrily and let go of Beomseok, the bully be had just beaten up. He couldn't believe how the teachers just looked away while Beomseok terrorized a bunch of juniors, how he had a tape of the girl's changing rooms. There was just this much where Seonghwa could look away. Yes, he had beaten him until he was crying for his mother, bruised all over, his lip was bleeding. And he would do it again.

Seonghwa strolled to the principal's office. It was his second time that week, how would he explain this to his parents? He didn't fear his father, he would understand his son's intentions. His mother would too, but she would surely whip his ass for again missing classes.

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