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There was something about their relationship that made Seonghwa wonder anew every time. They grew old and became new people, but tell, how did they manage to stay in the same love over all these years? After having spent most of their lives together, one must grow tired or used to love, to marriage, and being a family, yet he never came to feel that way. Seonghwa believed that having a family at such young age was the cause; they hadn't been able to live out many things when they were young. Hongjoong had a career, they had children, a busy and tiring lifestyle for most of these years. And now, there was so much time to fill until their hair turned grey.

"You look beautiful," Hongjoong said, sipping from his glass of wine. His lips stretched in a flirty smile as he watched his gorgeous husband through the crystal-clear glass. There was just something about the setting of that restaurant and the mood the lighting and music created that made him look like one of the villain-ish characters Seonghwa played on screen.

The elder's perfectly picked brow lifted and he brought his eyes to his husband sitting across from him. "Are you making your way, love?" he asked and set the wine glass onto the table with a little chuckle.

"My way? Into your underwear?" he gave back smugly, "is it working?"

"Who said I'm wearing any?"

Hongjoong's next words got stuck in his throat and he choked on his own spit. Eyes widened, he put the glass down. "Are you serious-"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes and tilted his head to the side, "you would have to come to find out." He made a gesture of locking his lips – not without countering with a challenging smirk.

"You are the end of mine-"


"Auntie, can you tell us stories? About Papa when he was younger?" Wooyoung asked Chaewon as he helped her make their dinner. "You known him since he was young, right?"

Chaewon looked at the small boy dressed in his dotted pajamas and smiled warmheartedly. "Oh I know a lot of stories about your Papa," she replied and gave him a small bowl of side dishes. "How about we do that after we ate and then we all can sit and listen, hm?"

Wooyoung tipped his lips and acted as if he was thinking and debating in his head, before agreeing with an overly cute smile. A skill he had obtained from watching his Papa. For some reason, he always got their Dad's heart when he acted cutely.

"You really like cooking, Wooyoungie," Chaewon commented as she gave the child easy and little tasks to help out. "Someone should take note of that-" she said, this time louder, and looked over her shoulder to her boyfriend sitting on the floor in the living room. He had Jongho around his neck and Mingi attacking his belly. Yonghwan didn't even give her a look back, she wondered if he even heard over the kids' yells and giggles. The scenery warmed her heart; it made her insides giddy to see that he was so good with kids.

"Mhm! At home, Papa and I cook a lot of things! When I grow up, I want to be a chef in these big restaurants!" Wooyoung told excitedly and stepped onto the small stool to reach the countertop. He washed the ingredients for the salad that they were making at last. "I love food, and food makes people happy. I want to make people happy. And I think Papa needs help when he cooks. My siblings eat a lot," he laughed.

Chaewon had to physically restrain herself from cooing out loud at the bubbly way of speaking.


San nudged his brother as Chaewon told them the story of how she and their father once got lost on a class trip. "Your phone is buzzing all the time. Don't you want to look what lover boy wants?"

Yeosang rolled his eyes and closed his phone without looking at the message. "Don't you want to take your nose out of my business?" he replied in a sappy and harsh whisper.

"Ouch, what's up with you?" the twin gave back and furrowed his brows a little. "Did something happen?" San eyes his twin up and down, studied his mimics. Sure, Yeosang always gave somewhat rude answers when he asked about Eundal from c-class. But some kind of blush or embarrassment would always follow and he would be sure that he was only joking.

The other kept silent for a moment, the sighed. "I'll tell you later..." he then replied and turned back to their uncle and his girlfriend telling enough stories to blackmail their father.

He was lucky they liked him, imagine the public knowing the stuff they knew about him.

But it was Seonghwa's reputation to snap at people at times...

Or pull pranks at high school.

Would he get grounded if he reminded his now very composed father of his adolescence?


Hongjoong kissed his husband's naked back in a manner of saying good morning. His nose buried his nape, he climbed over him with a sleepy smile. "Good morning~" he muttered sleepily.

There was a low groan from the elder's side, then a hand reach behind and pinched Hongjoong's side lightly. "Morning," Seonghwa replied, voice still a little groggy. He turned his face to his right side and took a breath. "Since when do you wake up before me?"

"hm..." Hongjoong hummed and pressed two more kisses into the elder's nape, "maybe because you stole the whole blanket and I got cold?" he replied and slapping his cold hand onto Seonghwa's blanket warmed thigh. The elder yelped and tried to move, but there was no escape from his husband's cold hands. "Suffer what you did to me-"

"You could have just taken it back-"

"I learned from you, that peace is never an option, Hwa, love." Hongjoong giggled and gathered the blanket to roll himself in it and leave the elder bared in the cool morning air. He smiled out of the blanket burrito he had made. 

I'm not yet dead yall💀

Istg a writers block is literally the last thing I needed

Short life update

School is fine I guess, I got a 1 week break and then a 3 moth phase of exams🥰✨ ahh we love life

Things around the world get worse by the day and it actually stresses me out

Please take care of yourselves out there, things might change from today to tomorrow

Nevertheless I'm thankful to see these days

Stay healthy and safe :)


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