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"Oh-Oh! Let me carry that-" Hongjoong grabbed the stack of plates from Yunho. "I'm happy that you want to help so eagerly but please don't break the plates... Papa will break me then" he added and placed the plates safely on the long table in their garden. They had carried out their dinning table, the table on their terrace and the folding table in their basement for the kids. It would be a little Tricky fitting everyone but it would work out. So they hoped.

"Joong!" Seonghwa yelled from the kitchen "Yonghwan wants to bring his girlfriend!"

"Huh?" Hongjoong came back to the kitchen where Seonghwa had his phone squeezed between ear and shoulder, his hands busy seasoning the beef. "Ah... Yes! Bring her! I want to finally meet her!" he cheered loud enough so his mentor could hear him through the phone.

"Oh it would be lovely to finally get to know her"

"She's just a little... Shy. Don't scare her off with all your questions, ah?"

"Of course not!" Seonghwa tipped his lips "who would do that to her...? It's cruel to get asked too many questions on a family gathering... I'm hurt that you think I would do that"

Hongjoong held back his laugh. "Be sure, she will be in good hands here!"

After laying off, Seonghwa rolled his eyes "Tsk, I would never do that.."

"Bomb her with questions like aunties on a wedding to check if she fits the family?" Hongjoong replied "Let me remind you of all the partners you have scared off-"

"Tsk, that was not my fault that she didn't know Yonghwan has a thing for cats" Seonghwa gave back and put the prepared beef in the refrigerator for later. "Do we have enough chairs? We should have some in the basement as spare..?"

"Yeah, I checked. Everything is prepared and fine"

"Ugh... I'm hungry. Can't we eat already?" Mingi came in whining and clinged to Hongjoong's leg. "I'm starving!"

"Just a little" Hongjoong grabbed an apple "Hm, what about something light?"

Mingi eyed the fruit. "there is chicken in the fridge-" he pouted and gave up. He wanted to start the barbecue already, he had been excited all week. "Uhg... When did Chan say they would come over?" he asked as he joined his brothers in the garden.

"Mhm... Around six?" Yunho replied and shrugged his shoulders.

"That's so long" the younger whined.

"Mingi, you can't even read the clock. 6pm is in twenty minutes..." Yeosang commented and shoved Wooyoung from his lap. "And you stop sitting in my lap! You're getting heavy"

Wooyoung pouted his lips upset. "Mhn! Then I will go to Sannie!" he said and marched over to the other twin, that was waiting with open arms already. "Sangie is mean to me again..."

"But I love you, ah! Let Yeosang be mean, we can cuddle too" San closed his short arms around his younger sibling and hugged him tight. San was the one who was always up to hugs and cuddles, while Yeosang rejected him when the others where around. The twins had their little fights but they were much closer to each other than to the others. And sometimes, Yeosang let San cuddle him.

"Me too! Me too!" Mingi let himself drop on the two siblings cuddling.

"See, Jongie?" Yeosang marked by and pointed to the three across of them. "This is how you can tell who's more like Dad and who more like Papa"

Yunho stood behind the Yeosang and Jongho while they judged Mingi, San and Wooyoung rolling around in the grass. "I want cuddles too!" he said and caged both of them in his arms, more of less willingly.

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