Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 : The Aftermath

"How did this happen." Thought the blonde as it looks like the end of the world, bodies were strewn all over the place and everything was in ruins. Madara had won the war. All seems lost despite that there was only one person standing in the midst of all that mess.

His name was Uzumaki Naruto.

Hero of Konoha, Pseudo Jinchuriki of all bijuu, son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. The survivor of the rookie twelve and the village alliance as they died fighting.

The Ino-Shika-Cho team died trying to avenge their sensei who was killed by Hidan when the akatsuki helped in the war.

Neji, Tenten and Lee manage to kill Kakuzu before dying in battle.

Tsunade along with the other Kages died as a result with the battle they faced with Madara.

Kakashi sensei and Sakura died at the hands of Obito and Zetsu.

Shino and Kiba died as they faced Kisame and Hinata died at the hands of Deidara who they killed later on but at the end were either lying in a pool of their own blood or scorched beyond their recognition.

Finally Sasuke died at the hands of Madara even after he gained the rinnegan.

A flash of light surrounded then around Naruto blinding him before fading. Naruto opened his eyes to see himself in what looks like a hidden room.

"Hey Kurama, where are we." Naruto said.

"I don't know kit. Look around to see anything familiar to you."

Naruto looked to see a mountain of ryo and gold on the corner of the hidden room. He stumbles in shock at the mountain of money before him.

"Wow! You don't see that everyday."

He continued through the room where he saw a shelf filled with the scrolls to see techniques on Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Chakra control, Kenjutsu, Medical-Ninjutsu, Hiden, Yin and Yang release, the Uzumaki Clan Fuinjutsu, Kekkei genkais and others.

These are jutsus ranging from C to S rank from the village: Iwa, Kumo, Suna, Kiri, Konoha and Uzushio his clan village

"Kit, these are techniques from each of the of the five Shinobi villages and also from your clan."

"No kidding?." Naruto sarcastically rolled his eyes to the obvious answer.

"As they are indeed my descendant and reincarnate." A voice said.

Naruto turned back to see Hagomoro, to his side was a man with spiky brown hair - two locks of which were wrapped in bandages framing either side of his face, he's wearing a light-colored kimono with six magatama adorned his collar, the kimono held by a d-ark-colored sash and a beautiful woman dre-ssed in a black kimono held by a red sash.


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