Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : Back In Time


A portal appeared and sucked Naruto in before he knew it he blacked out.


When Naruto woke up he was in the middle of the forest and after noticing this he realized he was in konoha.

"Kurama was right it hurts like hell." He said rubbing his head in a vain attempt to stop the throbbing sensation it was producing.

"So you're finally awake, it sure took you long enough and if your wondering, we're no longer fused anymore but you still have the effects of the fusion."

"So it was a success, alright now the only thing I have to do is fix everything starting with the days of the academy."


"Then maybe prevent Zabuza and Haku from dying." Naruto kept rambling about his plans.

"Naruto." Kurama was getting impatient.

"Then I'll just prevent Sasuke from getting the curse seal."


"You can't relive your genin days because if you didn't notice your still a 17 year old teenager and since they can only be one you. Father had to used us like this,  if I was stuck in your body while still a child within bijuus you will be dead so there."

"And how the hell do you suggest I set things straight."

"How about training and raising the younger you? After all you look like that bastard father of yours. So act like your younger self's older brother."

"But won't it be odd that my younger self has an older brother who is seventeen while he's eight."

"I can see your point now. No wonder father gave me this seal."

"What seal?" Said a confused Naruto.

"While taking a break during yout last month with father, he gave me a seal which can deage you to your younger self."

"Wait! Really."

"Yes, now I suggest you think about it carefully because once you choose the age you have to live it and you can't change back to your original age. This is a one time seal."

"So my body will be young again. Does that mean I have to train again,what about the training from Super gramps, Ashura and Chika-san."

"You don't need to train because your body will adjust to your current though I still advice you train."

"Then I have to see the old man."

"Naruto, before you go father told me to tell you some things won't be the same in your old timeline, that things will change and you should forget yourself as Naruto Uzumaki of your time and move forward to start a new life in this timeline that it wasn't your fault."

"I know Kurama but I feel it was my fault. If I was only stronger."

"Naruto it wasn't your fault, you did everything you could but you were outmatched. It happens, now you can fix things."

" Thanks Kurama."

"No problem, father also said since you have not signed the summoning contract with the toads in this timeline you can't summon them any more but you can st-ill use their senjutsu and your other sum-mon."

"Great! Not happy about that but I'll get over it. Now let's go see the old man." He muttered.

Naruto then skillfully sneaked in the hokage tower, surprised by the fact that this was so easy mostly because it was guarded by ANBU the supposed elites, really sucked at detecting.

Soon he found himself in front of the hokage who was busy reading his perverted book, So busy that he didn't notice the yondaime clone until Naruto cleared his throat. The reaction was rather predictable, Hiruzen got pale as a paper sheet and started mumbling incoherent words, but then again he reacted as a person who had seen a ghost.

"But...But..But you're dead I saw you die there's no way."

"Relax old man, I'm not Minato."The comment startled the hokage.

"Then who."

"Old man right now I look like this." Naruto transformed into the eight-year old version of himself, he gave the old man his trademark grin and returned into his original state.

"Na-Naruto but how."

"Let me show you." He made a couple of seals, touched the hokage's forehead 'Kinen Kabu no Jutsu (Memory Share).'

All the blonde's memories of the war were shown to him.

"This is incredible, all that happened. I wish there was a way to prevent it." Sarutobi continued"What about your name? you can't just go around saying your Naruto and you can't look seventeen while your seven."

The blonde meditated about this for a moment and then grinning said "Then from now on call me Kai Uzumaki, Naruto's older brother and as for my age, don't worry about that. So here's the plan."

Now with that plan set in motion. Naruto was hoping this time that he will be able to set things straight.


Kai Uzumaki is now created, Naruto Uzumaki of the old timeline is no more. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

A/N:Future Naruto will be answering Kai from now on and will be young Naruto's older brother.

Hiruzen's only seen the memories of the Fourth great ninja war nothing else. Him and Kai now have a plan.

Naruto has been sabotage all his life. So in this story I'll make sure that he is trained properly.

To all Sasuke lovers I'm sorry but to me the Sasuke in the Naruto's series is a dick and I hate him. So Sasuke and Sakura bashing maybe.

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