Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 : Uzumaki Kasai

"Alright then I'll have Naruto here Kai."

"No need old man, I know were to find him today." Said Kai.

"What do you mean today." Said Sarutobi clearly not liking the tone Kai was using.

"I know were to find him because today it's October tenth, when I became eight years old and to day I received the worst beating of my previous life."

Sarutobi was trembling in rage if you looked hard enough.

"I'll mobilize the ANBU, those fools will pay for their blindness." He said in a calm ice-cold tone.

Kai just stood there with his gaze in the old man, surprised and slightly afraid of him, for he had nothing but a smile or a word of encouragement or kindness. But now in front of him was a man with enough fury and determination that will make people even his own ex-student flinch in fear.

Then an idea clicked on his mind and giving a grin that in his childhood days meant nothing but trouble and chase.

"Don't worry old man, I'll handle it, besides it will be a good way to let the world know that the Uzumaki clan is still here."

"What are you planning?" Asked the Hokage.

"You'll see."

"Any doubt that you're who you claim is erased."

"Exactly." Said Kai before vanishing in a swirl of wind and lightning.


"It's time you die you demon!"

"Come back here and we'll end it fast."

The comments and others were shouting while a mob chased down a ten year old kid through the streets of konoha whose mistake was trying to go to the festival that today was held in celebration for the destruction of the Kyubbi, the boy called Uzumaki Naruto was running in an attempt to save himself from the beating the mob was trying to give him problem was that in the mob were shinobi's.

"Why are they chasing me, why do they do this to me, I didn't do anything wrong why."

He was so focused in that trail of thought that he didn't notice he ran in a dead end until he was surrounded.

"It's over for you demon."

"You'll pay for all those lives you took."

"Now you die demon." One of the shinobi said as he and the rest finished the jutsus "Farewell."

'Katon: goukakyuu no Jutsu.'

And just when the flames were about to reach the boy a black blur stepped in front of him making the flames rise as a wall partially blocking the view, as soon as these happened the wind current blew dimming the flames.

In the middle of the flames was a man with his back turned to them, his battle cloak was black, the black of his cloak had a white spiral of the Uzumaki clan while the flames in the bottom were white. The cloak was fluttering to the right to the wind giving him a mystic air.

Then he half turned to see the crowd to reveal a man with spiky red hair and his ocean blue eyes glaring at them in a cold, calculative and barely restrained rage.

"What has this boy done to you?" The man asked without an emotion but still makes the mob feel chilled and stiff.

After a moment of silence. The mob started shouting and complaining.

"That demon deserves to die as it is the day the yondaime killed the Kyubbi." A mob said.

"That's right, he's the reincarnate of the demon." Another angry mob said.

The man released a massive amount of his killing intent making the mob shiver and stop complaining. He made sure that Naruto will not be affected.

"How dare you harm my clansmen."

The mob and shinobi's were shocked by this including Naruto as the man called him his clansman making the mob and him know that he's from a clan.

"Yo-yo-your clansmen." One of the shinobi that attacked Naruto stuttered in fear.

"Yes my clansmen, my name is Uzumaki Kasai of the Uzumaki clan or have you forgotten our clan because of it's destruction."

This shocked the mob even more well to those who know the Uzumaki clan while Naruto looked at Kasai with wonder and hope of finally having a family.

"Not only do you dishonor the late yondaime hokage's wish for this boy but you dare wear our clan symbol on your flak jacket while trying to kill an Uzumaki clan member is a mockery and sacrilage to our fellow brothers and sisters, don't worry the Hokage will hear of this. Now get out of my sight before I kill you."

They panic and immediately ran for their lives after his speech because to those that know history and the second shinobi war knows you never mess with an Uzumaki in any matter unless you want to die.

Kasai went on one knee and immediately checked Naruto if he has a bruise or injury and healed them with Medical ninjutsu.

"Are you alright?" Kasai ask as he face Naruto.

"Yeah mister. Thank you for saving me." Naruto smiled brightly.

"Your welcome." Kasai smiled.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto and is it true I'm part of a clan." Naruto said cheerfully.

Kasai chuckle a bit and offer his hand to Naruto.

"Don't worry your questions will be answered by the hokage." Kasai smiled warmly at him.

Naruto's face lit up."Jiji."

Kasai took Naruto by his arm and vanished in a swirl of lightning and wind leaving the area.

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