Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 : Explanation

Kasai and Naruto appeared at the Hokage office.

"OJI-CHAN." Naruto yelled out. He ran and tackled him into a hug.

"Hey Naruto." Hiruzen smiled at his surrogate grandson.

"Is it true, I'm part of a clan old man?" Hiruzen sighed at his lack of respect for the most powerful ninja in the village. Kasai seemed to chuckle. After all, it was not everyday you see the professor being talked down by a eight year old child.

"Yes Naruto, The Uzumaki Clan were distant cousins of the Senju Clan. They had their own village, Uzushiogakure no satō. We were allies through the marriage of Senju Hashirama and Mito Uzumaki, the heiress of the Clan. You are the last male of the Uzumaki along with your older brother and Kasai."

"What! I have an older brother." Said a shocked Naruto.

"Yes, his name is Kai, I'm sorry Naruto I separated you two when you were born for some dangerous reasons." Hiruzen pointed to Kasai."Kasai here will take you to him because he couldn't be there for you because of certain situations not allowing you to be with him, he didn't know about you until a letter came to him saying your his younger brother."

Naruto looked a bit sad that he had a brother all his life and he didn't know who he was. But was kind of happy that he didn't willingly abandon him.

"Naruto," Kasai said, Naruto looked to him."I want to take you away from the village for four years to be trained."

"Really? You mean I get to become a strong and awesome ninja?" Kasai and Hiruzen chuckled this time.

"Yes but the training will be very hard. And remember, we won't be coming back until you're thirteen."

The eight year old boy looked a little down at this. Hiruzen smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay Naruto. Go with Kasai. This is a once in a lifetime deal to meet your brother and learn from the strongest man in the Uzumaki clan and Konoha."

Naruto's eyes grew wide at this declaration. He couldn't believe Kasai was stronger than his surrogated grandfather.

"He's THAT strong?"Kasai chuckled, and answered for Hiruzen.

" I think the hokage is exaggerating a bit. While I did hold off an army by myself, it was through my comrades who gave their lives in order to defend their home that allowed me to prepare. They bought me time while I did a seal that would trap the enemies and defeat them."

"Seal?" Naruto asked genuinely interested.

Hiruzen chuckled and thought to himself. 'Hehe, only an Uzumaki would be so intrigued by seals. Any other ninja would run away in fear because of the difficulty and the long time it takes to learn.'

"Yes seals, The Uzumaki clan were renowned throughout the entire shinobi world for our great skills in Fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu. We were greatly feared that it took three villages to wipe our clan because of our Fuinjutsu." Kasai said.

"Do you want to learn seals Naruto-san?" Kasai asked with a gentle smile across his face. When Naruto nodded vigorously his heart leaped with joy."I'll teach you on our four year trip."

Naruto leaped and yelled with joy. Hiruzen smiled happily for his surrogate grandson, his heart at ease now that someone would truly take care of him. Sarutobi stood up and put his pipe away after cleaning it out.

"Well then, let me just give you a few jutsus that might help you along the way, and then I'll let you pack and leave tomorrow morning. Is that fine with you Kasai?" Kasai nodded. Hiruzen set about writing a few jutsu onto a blank scroll that he felt would benefit Naruto. Namely the Kage Bunshin, Kunai/Shuriken Kage Bunshin, Bunshin Daibakuha and a few other Gen/Ninjutsu.

"I hope this will suffice for now and the other scroll give this to them." Hiruzen said, handing the scroll to Kasai sending an eye message before nodding. Kasai took the scroll and nodded.

"I'll give Naruto and Kai their inheritance when they come back from their trip and starting from tomorrow I will put the history of the Uzumaki clan on the academy."

"BYE JIJI! I'll be back for the academy exams! Dattebayo!" Naruto yelled out, waving his hands. Sarutobi waved back with a smile on his face.

'Come back quickly Naruto, I know you and Kai will shake the elemental nations.'

Kai Uzumaki Uchiha: Second Chance Where stories live. Discover now