Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 : Blood Ritual

Naruto turned back to see Hagoromo, a man with spiky brown hair with a light-colored kimono and a man with brown long hair with sharingan eyes adorned in the same kimono as the other man.

"Super gramps." Naruto wide eyed.

"Hello Naruto." Hagoromo Said.

The man chuckled at that."He's really is your reincarnate Ashura. "

The man laughed."That's he is."

Naruto has his jaw on the ground at that. "You're Ashura."

"Yes my reincarnate and descendant. I'm the ancestor of the Senju and Uzumaki Clans."

Naruto looked to the other man."Who are you."

The woman smiled at him. "I'm Indra Otsutsuki, ancestor of the Uchiha Clan."

"So why are you here. we lost, Madara won." Naruto said sadly.

"Yes, it's true Madara won, but it's not over. You see, we are sending you back in time." Hagoromo said.

"It's that even possible." Said a shocked Naruto.

Ashura nodded."My reincarnate in the shinobi world. Anything is possible, but we're going to train you before sending you back."

"Train me? Well i can't really refuse training from my ancestors and no offence Indra-san but aren't you an Uchiha and last time I checked I don't have the sharingan."

Although that would have been a problem. Indra had a way already.

"None taken, we thought of this problem earlier hand, so we created a blood ritual jutsu."

"Blood ritual jutsu?" Naruto questioned.

"What he meant Naruto is that you'll have to go through a blood ritual in order for her to make you part uchiha. You'll gain not just the bloodline, but you'll also gain a few traits during the procedure." Ashura explained and got an Oh from the boy.

Okay, I'll do it..." Naruto said with a smile but then frowned. "But what about my Uzumaki heritage?" Naruto asked.

"Regretfully, your Uzumaki will overide to when your genes alter to uchiha genes. So you'll no longer be a half Uzumaki but a half uchiha."

Naruto sigh in sadness since he didn't want to get rid of his Uzumaki genes, it feels like he's taking away part of who he is.

"If it makes you feel better even though you'll no longer be an Uzumaki, you are still basically my reincarnation, so you still have my powers." Ashura told him which made naruto feel slightly better.

"Alright let's begin the ritual. We're wasting time." Indra informed.

All Naruto could do was nod his head.

Sealing Chamber               

In a room with only candles around the room lay Naruto on the floor with seals unconscious.

Indra pulled out a kunai out. After that, she used the sharp end and cut it across Naruto's palm making blood seep out of it and then he brought out a vial his former reincarnates blood, Uchiha Sasuke which he then pours the vial of blood on his palm.

Afterwards she started to perform a long chain of seals on the ground and around his body started to glow red. After doing around the 99th seal she stopped at the 100th one which is a ram seal.

Naruto's eyes widen and felt a weird sensation go through his body while the seals started to snake up his body and seep into Naruto's body. This went on for at least 10 minutes and the seals suddenly died down and Naruto's body changed a little having a light tan complexion. His blonde hair was a little darker with it being shoulder-length and his bangs being jaw length (like Minato's was when he was younger). He also had some black streaks in his hair making him an Uchiha.

He also had a pair of canines jutting from his upper lip and his whisker marks were gone. Once the ritual was complete Naruto slowly opened his eyes which were cerulean blue which were spinning before turning to the Sharingan with one tomoe. Ashura helped Naruto to stand.

"Ugh, what happened." Naruto groaned.

"You passed out." Ashura answered before looking at his Father and Indra.

Ashura smiled."Now let's train."


So as you see Naruto is now Half Namikaze and Half Uchiha now. So let's see what training he goes through.

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