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I'm making a rewrite, so expect a rewrite soon.

I'm thinking if kai Uzumaki should be Naruto's elder brother or uncle because I'm thinking of two scenarios.

Scenario 1

Kai is naruto's older brother, who has the sharingan and will give naruto the sharingan bloodline too and help him manifest mokuton as well.

Kai - sharingan + mangekyo sharingan + hagoromo chakra + chakra chains + mokuton + sage mode + yin kyuubi + rinnegan

Naruto - sharingan + chakra chains + mangekyo sharingan + ashura chakra + yang Kyuubi + shadow style (kageton) / ice style

Scenario 2

Kai Uzumaki will change to Kai Namikaze Uchiha, little brother of minato and uncle to Naruto.

In this scenario, Kai's uzumaki genes are overid by the uchiha genetics in the blood ritual which will make him half Namikaze and Half uchiha but he's still a reincarnation that has both Indra and Ashura's chakra inside him and he's the third person in the world to have a rinnegan.

And Kai isn't a Jinchuuriki in this one.

And he doesn't give naruto the Sharingan but makes naruto manifest the chakra chains and will also help him awaken Ashura's chakra inside him, which will awaken the mokuton once he trains in both earth and water affinities. Kai will also teach Naruto Ashura's kunitsukami avatar technique to help naruto create variation of it to help him be on par with the Susano'o.

Naruto - mokuton + chakra chains + ashura chakra + kunitsukami

(I won't add the Kyuubi because kai will not help Naruto befriend him, he has to do it on his own).

Kai - sharingan + mangekyo sharingan + hagoromo chakra + rinnegan

(I'm thinking if kai should use mokuton or Hikaton (light style) or should I do the same to naruto)

I'm not giving kai a tailed beast because he'll be too op.

So guys, I'm giving you a choice to vote which scenario you want and tell me.

(Pick which bloodline I should give naruto in the first scenario, only one. I'm conflicted between kageton or hyoton, however you can also give me your ideas for a new bloodline for naruto).

I'll be waiting for your answer on the comments.

Or I can do both instead, maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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