Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 : Heritage

It's been a week since Kasai and Naruto left Konoha to go to his home. With Kasai revealing his Naruto's uncle, thankfully he was forgiven.

They were walking on a lone road which no seemed to be there but them.

"Are we there yet."

Naruto asking for like the seventh time.

Kasai sighed and pinched his nose in annoyance.

"No we are not."

Few minutes later.

"Were here." Said Kasai opening the small gate to his home.

As he opened the gate. Naruto saw a large field with many exotic flowers. None he has ever seen in Konoha and in the middle of the large field was a mansion that's the size of the hokage's mansion.

"You actually live here." Naruto pointing to the mansion.

"Of course, I live here."

"But the entire place is isolated, no ONE IS HERE. " Naruto emphasize his point.

"Yes, no one is here but is it not better to be here away from people's problems."

Naruto couldn't argue with that.

"Now come, let's go see your brother."



Naruto saw a boy training with his clones blindfolded. The boy looked about two years older than him from his observation and looked at lot like him with the exception of the red shades in his blonde hair and no whisker like birthmarks.

"Kai." Kasai called out.

Kai turned to his his uncle who took a look at Naruto before nodding at him.

'It's time.' Kai thought.

In a blink of an eye he was in front of Naruto.

"Hey Otouto,  I'm your nii-san Kai." Said Kai with a smile.

Before Kai knew it he was hugged by Naruto who sobbed on his shoulder. Kai hugged him back.

"I know we don't know each other but if you're willing we can try to catch up for the years lost." Kai whispered to him.

Naruto nodded and still cried.

The reunion ended after ten minutes. Before Kai left leaving Naruto and Kasai alone.

"Come Naruto, I need to show you some-thing."

"Where are we going?"

"It's time you know more about your heritage."

They walked a few minutes before stopping.

Kasai did some handseals.

"Fuinjutsu: Kakusi Situ"  (Sealing Art: Hidden Room)

A blue sealing array appeared on the air as kanji came out of Kasai's hands creating a spiral around the array before the whole array turned into a portal.

Naruto was amazed at the work of seals.

"You know one of these days, I'll teach you how to do that."

Naruto looked at him with stars replacing his eyes.


Kasai smiled and nodded. "I never go back on my word, that's my nindo. Now come."

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