😢My Regrets with This Book😢

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I don't agree with anything I wrote in this book anymore. I'm going to delete this book to- NEVER!
Just kidding, I'm not going to delete this book EVER. However, I do want to say my thoughts on this book right now in 2021. I wrote this book back in 2018 and all my thoughts and opinions I've had about the content of my book have changed. I don't disagree with anything I wrote.
My new thought pattern about cliches in books is that they're not a big deal and I shouldn't be so critical of someone else's work. Shockingly enough I learned this from endlessly watching people rant about bad books and movies.
I watched so many people rant and rave and say a whole lot of the same things I've said in my books with just as much passion and I realized now that I don't want to judge anyone's story that harshly anymore.
I realized that most people who review books and movies don't write their own content, they're just an audience for other people's content. When you don't make your own writing content you don't have a deep insight into the mindset of a writer.
I've heard so many people call a movie or a book a soulless cash-grab and I can't agree with anything being a soulless cash-grab anymore. If you've never written even a short story on your own without it being school related, just for you to enjoy and maybe publish, than you'd never know how long and how hard it is to write a story. Movies take a VERY long time to make. The scripts are constantly being edited. It's not easy paying for actors, costume designers, sets, make-up, props, cameras, directors, etc.
Even filming your own movie
Writing a book takes a lot of time too. First you have to have a solid idea, you need several hours to even write your story down, then you need to edit it. I've never published a book before yet, but then it's a long process to get published and printed.
Even if a book is or a movie is bad, it's possible that the writer truly loved their story, whether they knew it was bad or not.
I know that if you love a story you wrote and even if it's bad and someone openly hates on it, it's hurtful.
I'm not saying let bad story writing pass or you can't share your opinion, but be kind about it and if a writer doesn't want criticism don't give it to them.
Thankfully I can handle criticism. It takes a certain level of maturity to be able to learn that not everyone is going to like your stuff or your stuff needs work.
Writing is personal, so if a book happens to be unoriginal, or poorly done, that's because it sounded good in the writer's mind, but maybe translated poorly to the page,
I learned from my ephinany that it's not a writer's job to make a story good, unique, realistic, relatable, or to learn a lesson from. The job of a writer is to entertain their audience. So if a book was boring or made its audience indifferent or confusing, the author truly failed at writing that specific story.
A story is meant to entertain us or make us feel any emotion, if that happened, the author succeeded at their job, even if the book was bad.
I learned it's not the author's job to educate us, validate us, or teach us a lesson, if you want that go enjoy children's stories.
I'm sure a lot of people would list everything I said as the requirements for good story writing and while that might be true, some poorly written books can be loved just as much as a well written story.
That sounds like a paradox, but think about it. Even if a story was poorly written, you'd still remember how funny the book was or how endearing the characters were if it left a good impression on you. I have a few soft spots for BTS fan fiction that were poorly written but the concept and characters were so sweet.
It's perfectly fine to criticize a book and have your own opinions. I've just figured that it's so easy for nonwriters to judge a book, but they have no idea how much love gets put into a story good or bad.
Stories take a long time to create, I think all stories require some thought and a little love even if it is a soulless cash grab.
I do believe that there should be standards to what books and movies are published. They should be well written, but for whatever reason, unless the writer has a helpful editor; bad writing, boring plots/characters, and plot holes are left in.
On Wattpad, there doesn't need to be a standard, because this is a place for everyone anyone.
I've learned to forgive all the bad books I've read. I realized that Wattpad is the place for beginner writers and if anyone doesn't want to improve they have no obligation to.
As I've said before, I'm not going to be so harsh in this book any more if I write anymore; I'm probably not going to be adding any more cliches, rather writing advice if I have any. A lot of non-writers have a hard time understanding the dedication it takes to write a full book, so they could be more understanding.
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