Fan Fictions are the worst!

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Go to the bottom to see me talk about original characters and why calling them that is contradictory.

Apparently the two genres Wattpad is most know for is Romance(Bad Boy stories specifically), and Fan fiction.

A quick disclaimer needs to be said first though, I don't hate all fan fictions on Wattpad, and I certainly DON'T hate people who write fan fictions.

Writing fan fictions are a good writing experience for beginner authors or a good way to use your imagination on a show/book or celebrity to fit your liking.

It's just not my favorite genre so I've biased when it comes to it, but I love certain ones and criticizing the bad ones.

So let's talk about the worse things in fan fictions!

1) Reader X Celeb or Tv show character.

If and when I read a fan fiction I don't want to imagine myself falling in love with the male protagonist in the book, so whenever I happen to read one of those and it says insert Your Name, I just think of a whole new character whose name is YourName.

I know that makes zero sense, but I came only to read about Claude from Black Butler to bang someone and usually those are the only fan fictions that come up when I look for Black Butler Claude Lemons.

Maybe Reader X whoever fan fictions are for people who are too lazy to come up with a character description or name for the hot girl in those books, or maybe they just write it for fun.

Also the sex scenes in these books are so predictable!

Each sex scene starts the same!

Example: Harry Styles  has enough of my jibber jabber so he pinned me to the wall and stole a kiss from my (big or small) lips, and I enjoyed it.

It always starts with a kiss, forceful or slow the next thing you know the guy is ripping the clothes off you, because it's a self insert book.

And then the sex scenes themselves start the same, it hurts first then the girl likes it and at the end the two orgasm at the same time which is unlikely as hell that would ever happen.

Girls naturally need more time to reach a climax than guys

On a side note forcing kisses or other sexual actions on a girl will not make them like it, no means no people.

I won't get into anymore details but yeah Lemon Reader X Whoever suck.

  Lastly there are only two personality types in these books shy girl who gets taken advantage of or sassy girl who ends up being a sex slave after being conditioned to in a short amount of time.

2) Tragic and toxic relationships in fan fictions

Why do people love imagine Harry Styles or the Dolan Twins straight up abusing teenage girls?

People have write such dark fan fictions. I swear the darkest stuff I've ever read on Wattpad were fan fictions!

You can write whatever you want but it amazes me how some people want Ashton from 5 Seconds of Summer to be a closeted homosexual self- harmer who gets bullied.

I kind of understand why people do this. Some of us have dark fantasies where we want the main character in our fan fiction to be saved and that's ok or some like myself write dark things to cope with negative feelings.

There was this one fan fiction that will go unnamed, but basically Plain Jane falls in love a celebrity who's only resemblance to the actual celeb is his name and his appearance and nothing else. Anyway, the celeb is turned into your classic bad boy and Plain Jane ends up dating him.

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