How to NOT introduce your main character

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0 Descriptions to your story. Please don't ever start the description of your story with describing the main character.

"Nerdy Jan loves arrogant hottie bad boy Ron."

It sounds cheesy,  avoid using Adjectives to describe your main character in the blurb to avoid cringe attacks and scaring away potential readers

1 Hi my name is Mary Sue and this my life..

Please, don't ever start your story with the main character saying, "Hi my name is..". I see a lot of beginner authors start their books off this way and while it is an easy way to introduce your main character and their life it's also a lazy way to do that.

The reason you shouldn't do that is because it makes you seem like rookie writer, and you don't want to be seen that way. You want people to see as a good writer regardless of what you write.

Only start off a story with "Hi my name is.." when you're writing a children's story because it's easy for kids to know who the main character is a learn about their life in a short amount of time to build up to the real story.

Not all kids' books even start off with that, so it's not required but I think you got the message.

2 Cheesy fake deep cliche intro

What is the meaning of life? Is what you should never ask in your opening line of your book.

This is very cheesy and it comes off as fake deep, meaning you sound like a jackass trying to sound woke and smart.

Please instead of asking an general open ended question how about make it personal and add mystery to the story.

Example: "Will I try again tomorrow?"

This adds mystery to your story, what will the main character try? Who is the main character? Who will be effected in the story because of her their action?

You can write so many things from seeing that one line.

3 Beep Beep, wake the fuck up and stop using beeps in introduce your story!

For the love of the Lord and all things holy, don't ever start a story with an onomatopoeia of the alarm clock or school ball ringing!

This is easily the most cliche ways to start a story or a new chapter.

It's just so boring and I hate having to imagine an alarm clock/school bell ringing!

It's also very lazy and least creative way to start your book!

Here's a tip, start your story strong. If you start your book off shaky it doesn't leave room for a good foundation.

Obviously, know that your reader probably won't be hooked on your story from the first chapter because by default the first chapter is the exposition where you learn the main character's name and such. Still, it's best to at least interest your readers, give them reasons to want to continue. If your beginning is blah the reader will assume the rest is and won't continue reading so don't be blah be amazing!

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