Bad Boy Stories

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We all knew this one was coming. If you enjoy romance, I'm sure you've read at least one bad boy book. Let's name some cliches that come with bad boy stories.

This cliche will probably contradict the other ones but it's important to hear anyway.

0) The Bad Boy genre in itself is pretty unrealistic if you think about it. If you don't think it's unrealistic ask yourself this: "Why would the bad boy change for one girl?" The bad boy's mentality is, girls are disposable; fuck a different girl every night, lead some on and break her heart.

Basically, the bad boy doesn't respect women to a high degree, so how would one girl possibly change him?

Sorry to break it to you honey bears who think that a boy will change for you because you love him.

No one has the ability to change another person unless that said person wants to change on their own.

My sister learned that the hard way, not with a bad boy but with a dumb boy.

She hoped he would change and indirectly asked him to help him but he wouldn't.

It's sad but no girl is special to a bad boy. To him it's just another reason to take advantage of a sweet girl.

1 The bad boy is ALWAYS white and his nationality is never mentioned but we know he's probably from the US or some white country. Now this cliche doesn't just apply to bad boys exclusively, basically any white character never mentions their nationality,

I'd pay to see a Mexican or Korean bad boy. Come on Latino or Asian boys can win our hearts over just as much as white boys can.

If you're planning on making a bad boy book I encourage you to please consider making him any other race or at least make his heritage a point to mention or even explore.

2 The bad boy is blond and has blue or green eyes.

I'm sure you can find a bad boy who isn't a blond and doesn't have an unusual eye color but let's face it, you've never read about a red headed bad boy!

3 The bad boy is unrealistically good looking.

I'm talking about chiseled features, sharp green eyes, threaded eyebrows, sexy hair, a burly body with extra abs, he's at least six foot three or even taller, and his skin is perfectly smooth and not a freckle or pore in sight!

Sorry to break it to you ladies but bad boys usually take place in high school, they look like ordinary boys that have acne and maybe wear a leather jacket but other than that they're pretty normal most of the time.

Since when do high school boys work out enough to be muscular? Even the football players at my school aren't body builders.

Bad boys are usually white so most likely they won't be super tall maybe five eight but six not foot four and up!

What's wrong with short boys anyway? They can be lovable too!

Oh and trust me, you've probably never seen a fat bad boy, or even a chubby bad boy, or skinny bad boy. He always has to be thick and have a supreme build.

4 The bad boy is the same character in every book and sometimes a Gary Stu.

Incase you don't know what a Gary Stu is, it's a male character who has little to no flaws and doesn't develop as a character, just like a Mary Sue, the Gary Stu's female counterpart.

The bad boy is just an asshole, things happen to him but he doesn't change or react like a human being!

He kills but feels nothing from it.. I thought he was a normal guy who is happens to be bad? He sounds too normal and he wasn't written to be some kind of psychopath, so what gives?

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