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Vanessa P.O.V.

On this day, exactly five years ago Alex proposed to me. We got married in June the following year. The wedding was just the one I always dreamt about – with family and all our friends and with my lovely man next to me. We moved into a house after we got this little miracle. Since one and a half year we got a little daughter called Shannon, she was named after my mom. Alex suggested this name. I really like this name as well that’s why I thought that this is just the perfect name for our daughter. It wasn’t enough space for us three in mine or Alex’s flat so we decided to move. Shannon’s grandparents (mine and Alex’s parents) helped us as good as they could. My mom once watched me with Shannon and she finally had to cry and said,

“I am so proud of you. You did everything right in your life!”

I was standing in the door frame and watched Alex with Shannon in his arm feeding her. He sat on the sofa. Right next to the sofa there was a quite big Christmas tree with loads of presents under it. It looked so Christmassy in this house. Since we moved into this house Alex always helped me with decorating it. That picture of him sitting there with his daughter in his hand was so sweet. I had to smile and was all in my thoughts of how proud I could be when Alex said,

“Have I told you that you look so sweet when you are smiling?”

“Yes you did! Very often, actually!” I went over to him, sat down next to him, stroked the head of Shannon and looked into Alex’s eyes.

“I love you so much, Alex”

“I love you too, Nessa.” I kissed him. I was the luckiest woman in the last five years. 

Alex P.O.V.

I loved her smile. And I loved seeing Shannon smiling. She had the same amazing smile like her mother. 

The last years were so great. I was such a happy man. Being Nessa’s husband had changed us so much, but in a good way. We loved each other so much. I wish every marriage on earth could be like ours. Everyone should feel the feeling when watching his wife sleeping, when seeing her smile, and when you see your daughter the first time and taking her into your arms. I will never forget this moment. It was so special and so emotional. I had to cry when that happened. I was so proud of Nessa and me for doing such a great job. Shannon was just the most beautiful child in the world. When seeing Nessa standing in the door frame now she looked so amazing, though she wore tracksuit bottoms and a normal T-Shirt. I loved her with my life. And I knew that nothing in this world could change that feeling for her! I was the luckiest man in the world right now and in the last five years and will be for the rest of my life, I guessed!

Vanessa P.O.V.

Nathan and I hadn’t had any contact after I wrote him this text five year ago until last year. The Wanted were still a band so I was still a fan of them. One year ago I was going shopping in the city when Max ran into me. He was very surprised seeing me, he still could remember me of our one meeting, and he said we should meet all together again for catching up. I told him of Alex and our daughter and he said that he didn’t care, so would Nathan. I should bring them with me. I told him that they shouldn’t mention anything of our meeting four years ago and what happened then. He just laughed and said that he will take care about that. Because Ashley and Taylor were still my best friends, and also my bridesmaids on my weeding, they went to that meeting with me, of course. It was so great. We all had so much fun. Nathan didn’t look very good, but I figured that he was over me. At the end of that day I texted him, if everything was ok with him and that I missed him. When he answered, I was glad that he hadn’t changed his number in the last years,

Don’t worry. I have a girlfriend since a year now and I’m so in love with her. You and Alex look so happy. I am proud of you. Shannon does look so sweet! Nath

I didn’t know if he was lying but I loved reading this text.

Since that meeting we were chatting very often and Alex became a good friend of Tom and Max, so we went over to their house very often and of course the lads were visiting us very often as well. I became good friends with Nathan after a while. But I never figured out if he really was over me. But I was glad that I could talk to him about everything. He was very nice when Alex and I, and sometimes Shannon either, came to their place. When Shannon came with us and Alex talked with Tom and Max, Nathan played with Shannon during talking to me. I always had a smile on my face when watching that. Shannon seemed to like Nath really much. And I saw the same expression on Nathan’s face, that’s what made me smile even more. When watching that I always had the thought about Nath being a really good dad some day. And luckily Alex never found out about me and Nathan. 

All I knew was that I was so happy about making the right choice five years ago! Otherwise I hadn’t had this life! I was just so proud of Alex, Shannon and my life! 

-- The End --

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