Season 1, Chapter 5

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In the morning I went straight to my dorm, got changed into this:

In the morning I went straight to my dorm, got changed into this:

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and then went to the cafe. Can I get a caramel Frappuccino, please?" I asked, as I spotted Hardin sat alone reading "here you go" the server said before I had the chance to talk to him "thank you" I smiled,grabbing the coffee and walking over to the sugar area, I put some cinnamon on top and stirred it up "hi" Hardin said, as he was suddenly next to me "hi" I replied "I can't stay away from you" he complained "no one can" I winked "no seriously, even if I wanted to I'd have to be near you a lot. I'm friends with Steph and we'll, your roommates" he told me "you know what, I wanna show you something" he said "go on then" I laughed "it's a... it's a place" he said "I think it's better for the group if we, keep our distance" I nodded, he stepped away from me making me chuckle "guess I'll see you around" he said and I went to leave the shop "you know what, fuck it" I sighed and walked back up to him "let's go before I change my mind" I told a very smiley Hardin.

He drove us to some forest, admiring me the whole trip "now this is where I die" I joked, getting out of the car "shut up. It's down this way, come on" he laughed. We walked down to this beautiful lake, it was gigantic. "Welcome to my favourite place" Hardin said, as he led us to the little pier looking over the lake "it's gorgeous" I said as we walked to the end of the pier "how about a swim?" Hardin asked, already undressing "what are you doing?" I laughed "I'm going swimming" he told me, completely serious, I giggled "Hardin!" I shouted, as he dived into the water "come in" he insisted "well I am soaking now" I laughed "you can wear my t shirt" he said "the waters amazing" he told me "turn around then, your not that lucky" I laughed, he turned around and I took my clothes off, leaving me in just my underwear. Hardin obviously peaked multiple times so I just jumped in, I sat on the edge of the pier and he helped me down onto his hips. After awhile of bobbing around in the water silently I thought I'd ask  pipe up "can I ask you a question?" I asked "do I even have a choice?" He replied, earning a splash to the face "who do you love the most in the world?" I asked "easy" "myself" the cocky mf told me "I should've known" I laughed "now may I ask you a question?" He asked "do I even have a choice I mocked "why doesn't a pretty girl like you have a boyfriend?" He smiled "I don't know to be honest, what can I say the boys I go for arent the nicest to me. I've been abused, raped, all sorts and I guess I'm just scared now" i explained, swimming a bit closer "you don't deserve anything of the sort. You should get yourself a nice boy" he smiled "yeah but nice is just-" I began "another word for boring" we said in sync, making us laugh "can I show you something?" Hardin asked, grabbing my hand "hold your breath" he told me and we went underwater "the silence, it's peaceful" I smirked  as he said that "you think that's weird?" He laughed "no, I think it's cute that your being all open with me" I joked. We were swimming around and I began to back float as Hardin watched me with literal heart eyes. He swam closer to me and wrapped my legs around his waist, making our faces inches apart "I really thought you liked tessa" i asked " you know that I really like you Haley, don't play dumb" he said "besides, I don't think we could ever be just friends" he told me and we kissed, again. He placed his hand on my head and I placed mine on his shoulder. Once we got out I was shivering, Hardin helped me put on his t shirt and passed me my clothes. He turned to look at the lake once more and I rested my body against his back. He rubbed his thumb on my hand and turned to put his arms around my body and rest his head against mine , he caressed circles on my stomach and pulled me closer to him. He turned me around and pecked my lips, I sighed and Hardin said "don't worry, we've got time".

Later on in the day I met up with molly and zed, we went to a restaurant and saw Hardin and Tessa in one of the booths. "Oh hey guys" molly announced, walking up to their table "hey Tessa" zed said. I just stood there, giving Hardin the death glare. "Guys let's just hang out for a minute" zed said, sliding into the seat and patting his knee for me too sit on again, I had to sit on his lap so there was room (and to make Hardin jealous but-) "so what have you two been up to?" molly asked "yeah, what's been going on?" I said, clearly annoyed "we were just-" Tessa started "just getting some food" Hardin interrupted "how the boyfriend Tess?" Molly asked making tessas annoyed face come out😂 "we're leaving" Hardin demanded "perfect, I need a ride" molly smiled "it's not a good time, ask zed for a ride" he rolled his eyes "dude, we literally just got here" zed whined "well the whole time you've been here you've been rubbing your dick on that poor girl" Hardin angrily said "don't start hardin, I'm not in the mood for your bull" I told him "escuse me " he said to molly  "your excused" molly smiled, moving closer to him "alright,tessa" he gave her his keys "really?" she asked, molly started playing with his hair "yes-" he gripped her arm off "I won't be long". Me and zed got out and then Tessa walked over to the bar "see you around" zed said "what's up with you two then bro?" Zed asked "yeah what's up" molly asked "none of your business" he told them, sternly looking at me "what?" I asked "excuse me" he asked molly again  "please just let him go mol, I feel like shit already" I said and molly let him go back to his little Tessa. This boy istg

That night Hardin was in my room, he was sat on the end of my bed and was caressing my cheek "why are you here?" I asked, quietly "what are you dreaming about?" He asked, snapping me out of my dream and wide awake.

Life long story🖤// hardin Scott Where stories live. Discover now