CHAPTER 3 - Maid?!

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Hey guys I hope you are doing well so here is the new chapter I hope you all will like it so now without wasting much time let's start with the update.


Riddhima went to the kitchen with Mrs. D'Souza after thinking for a minute or so she started making a dish and now 15 minutes were going to end then a loud voice came

"Hurry up only 2 minutes are left."

Riddhima panicked and hurried up. She took the bowl of meethi bhaat and plate of sandwich in her hand and placed in front of Vansh

Riddhima- this is Meethi bhaat. I only know to make this and sandwich

Vansh- Ok let me taste

Riddhima to herself- Man to kar Raha hai iske khaane mein zeher mila du.

Vansh- Did you said anything?

Riddhima- nnnoo n.. nothing.

Vansh tasted it in mind- it's yummy but didn't changed his expression

Vansh- you were telling that you don't know to make anything then this?

Riddhima- voh voh meri maa banaya karti thi toh isiliye.

Vansh-Hmm aaj to theek hai but learn to make other dishes from Mrs. D'Souza and yes today you dared to disobey me otherwise you will not like the consequence. I am warning you for the last time now go with Mrs. D'Souza she will tell you other chores Mrs. D'Souza... Mrs. D'Souza....

Mrs. D'Souza- yes sir

Vansh- Teach her everything and yes no one means no one will help her in the chores. Understood?

Mrs. D'Souza- yes sir

Riddhima was continuously crying silently so that no one can hear her.

Author's POV:

Mrs. D'Souza told Riddhima everything. The mansion was extremely vast it consists of 4 floors and 2 floors in basement no one was allowed in 4th floor and basement and 3rd floor was servants quarter. Whole mansion was secured with finger prints and face locks it's access was only with few people Vansh Mrs. D'Souza and 2-3 his bodyguards.

The mansion was so huge. Riddhima worked whole day he was hell tired. Hence, she had an experience of doing household chores as her step mom used to force her to do so but this palace was 100 times of her small house .

She was hungry from the morning as she hadn't ate anything and this work made her more tired. It was around 7 pm when she completed her work and was moving towards kitchen to make something for her master .

Mrs. D'Souza taught her to make pulao which is quite easy for a new cook she somehow managed to make it. Vansh's coming time was near she was that much tired and week that if she stand for a minute more she will land on the ground Unconscious.

Just then Vansh came with his dominating aura and killing handsome face. He was watching Riddhima whole day on CCTV he new that she is hell tired he wanted Riddhima to ask forgiveness but she being Riddhima preferred working rather then apologizing from Vansh .
She served dinner to Vansh there was an awkward silence in the hall .

Vansh asked her breaking the silence.

Vansh- So, How was your day sweetheart?

Riddhima controlling her anger said

Riddhima- It was fun working.

Vansh- Hmm.... Interesting very interesting.

Dinner was done Vansh went towards his room and after washing some dishes Riddhima was also going towards her room and thuddd...

Time skip:

Riddhima's POV

Today was very hectic day I worked whole day madly in this extremely huge mansion I was hell tired I hadn't ate anything or even drank water I worked continuously till 7 I made pulao for Vansh and served him I was going towards my room after washing some plates and then I think I felt unconscious due to weakness. I opened my eyes only to see an angry Vansh glaring me with many unknown emotions.

Vansh- How are you feeling now?

Riddhima- non of your concern

Vansh - Interesting very interesting. You still have guts to back answer Vansh Raisinghania.

Riddhima- You were the only one who forced me to do all the household chores and now you are here to ask me whether I am alright or not well how can I be alright when you are with me?

Vansh- You will definitely not. When we will be on same bed.

Vansh answered with a victorious smirk on his face. Riddhima was looking him disgustingly.

Riddhima- Has anyone told you that you are a pervert?

She said with full hatred visible on her eyes.

Vansh- Sweetheart till date only you dared to call me that if there would be someone else I would have ripped him off till now.

He puts his hands on her cheeks she tries to move but Vansh held her jaw tightly.

Vansh- Sweetheart, today you dared to mess-up with me but if you did it next time we both will be sleeping here beneath each other understand?

Vansh twisted her hand tightly she moaned in pain.

Vansh- Sweetheart apologize for today's mistake otherwise it won't be good.

Riddhima- I haven't done anything so why do I apologize?

Vansh- You will not apologize? (by tightening the grip)

Riddhima- aahhh... Nn..OOO.

Vansh- I said say sorry sweet heart.

He started moving his hands on her bare back which scared her to hell.

Riddhima- ss...oo.. rr..yy

Vansh- I didn't heard anything with a smirk 😈

Riddhima- I am sorry Mr. Raisinghania.

He left her hand.

Vansh- Mrs. D'Souza...Mrs. D'Souza...come here.

Mrs. D'Souza- yes sir

Vansh- Bring some food and glucose water for her. She needs energy to bear more torture am I right or am I right sweetheart?

Hot tears were falling from her eyes

Vansh forcefully made Riddhima eat and then after feeding her their he leaved but not before telling her that punishment was only for today but if this kind of mistake will repeat the punishment would be 10 times dangerous then today's.

Precap: Vansh to take care of Riddhima. Vansh is obsessed with Riddhima



Hey guys so that's all for today I hope you all liked today's update. Thank you so much for your love and support keep supporting like this guys and do share your views and suggestions with me it motivates me to right more

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