CHAPTER 26 - Decision!

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The weekend was over now Ridhima and gang were back to the work so as usal ridhima got ready and moved to hospital and there she asked saira to arrange all her appointments for day .

On the other hand unknown to Ridhima , Vansh and Angre too reached hospital to appoint Ridhima as the doctor of Anupama as it was the only way for them to cure anupama ..

"Hello myself vansh raisinghania I want to meet doctor ridhima" said vansh to receptionist

"Mr singhania she's busy right now you can wait outside her cabin nurse take them to Ridhima Mam's cabin" receptionist replied to vansh and asked nurse to accompany them .

Whole day they sat outside Ridhima's cabin but ridhima didn't came and at the end of the day they asked nurse about Ridhima , nurse informed that she has already left you and asked you to come tomorrow . They were shocked but they didn't had another option.
3 days spent like this but Ridhima didn't met them and this was forth day came and as usual they again came in morning to meet her ....

It was half and hour Vansh and angre were waiting that when ridhima would call them ..

"Boss it's 4th day but Ridhima didn't called us I think we should leave we will find another doctor for mom' said angre

'No angre I will wait untill she come with us this time I need her not for me but for mom I will make her trust me that I have really changed.' Replied vansh

After 1 more hour finally ridhima called them in the cabin .....


"Good afternoon Miss ridhima', greeted vansh

"Good afternoon why are you here when I already told u that I have no interest in talking to you.' Said ridhima with a disgusted face .

' Ridhima please for once listen me if u still feel awkward I'll leave from here' vansh requested!

Ridhima new how stubborn he was so it was a complete waste of time in arguing with him so she just let him say what he wanted..

shoot !! Said ridhima..

"Ridhima mom is suffering from brain tumor she needs a neurosurgeon who can treat her well and her daughter too by her side , not as her daughter but atleast as a doctor please accompany us . I request you, for her life please come with us ! I promise once she'll be fine I'll never ever show you my face again." Said vansh

Ridhima was startled by the confession she couldn't believe that her mother was fighting for her life, despite the fact she hates her but reality will always be the same that she gave birth to her she was her mother , and above all this she was a responsible doctor she had to treat her so at the end she decided to say yes.....

"Ohk fine I'll accompany you guys but remember one thing I have no relation with any one in that house any one means not a single person got it?'

' Ya sure and thank you , saying this he and angre left ..'

Next morning

Ridhima got ready for the airport, vansh and angre came to pick her up and Sejal and Sanskar also accompanied her for her safety.

Time skips

They reached Mumbai and then left for VR mansion..





Hey guys that's it for today I hope you all liked it.

I know this is a very small update but promise to give a huge one next time love you all ❤️

Thank you so much for your love and support keep supporting like this guys love you all.

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