Chapter 28 - Attachments

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Hey guys I hope you all are doing well I know am extremely late and updating after 9 months I know maybe till know u must have been lost interest in this book really sorry for not being regular...

Guys I got disappeared but please show your love today by completing the votes and comments Target that is 275+ votes and 75+ comments and tell me that you guys haven't forgot me I assure this time I'll update try to regularly and that would be twise a month

But please pardon me and ya here is the new chapter I hope you will like it and shower your love again on my book ❤️
so now without wasting much time let's start with update.


New Beginning?

"Ridhima please there's isn't a need to be hyper Jo hona tha ho gaya let's talk about the future tell that how will she recover one minute ! why are you so much concerned about my mom you hate her right .' vansh said taunting her ..

And this point of vansh triggered her ..........

"What did u just say mr ? ' Said ridhima being hurt

"Am really sorry I didn't mean that ! ' replied vansh realising that damage has done ...

"No no ... u were right why should I care for her when I don't share any kind of relation with her..' saying this she went out of the room trying to stop her tears...

"Ohh shit man how can I be so careless I have triggered her again shitt ' saying this he just patted his had regretting his foolish act ..

Ridhima's POV

I ran into my room after hearing vansh's poisonous taunts I knew that somewhere it was true but I didn't liked when he said that why should I care why I shouldn't? She is my mother my she's my mom also , however I hate her but still she is my mother it's a fact ..... He shouldn't have said like that I sat in the room's edge and started crying and after I slept there only
Now it has been 2 weeks to that incident but after that day I didn't talked to anyone in the family especially vansh . I used to go to mom's room and talk to her give her medicines and then leave .

side by side I am preparing for her operation as with each passing day maa's condition is getting worse . The more I try to ignore my feelings regarding maa the more I was getting attached to her .

Suddenly her thoughts were broken with a knock on the door . She was in a awe as she thought that whom it must be at 12:30 pm at night
'Comin ' said ridhima wiping her tears .

Ishani entered inside giving a minor shock as well as surprise to ridhima as both them knew that from start they didn't had a good bond ...

Ishani you? at this hour what happened is everything ok? asked ridhima being amazed as well as concerned...

Ya everything is fine I just wanted to talk to you regarding....

Regarding mumma? Ridhima replied bluntly

Ishani was surprised that Ridhima retorted anupmaa as mumma she was liked the fact that ridhi called anupmaa mom but somewhere there was sense of insecurity resembling her eyes . But she got over her thoughts and focused on the purpose of visiting ridhima at this hour ..

Ya it's regarding her only! said Ishani with a pale smile

She reciprocated the smile and gestured her to sit ..

"Listen ridhima I know what bhai did with you years back was wrong! but don't you think that what you are doing with mom at this situation is wrong? I know you missed her all your childhood there were times when you wanted to hug her cry on her lap wanted to get pampered by her and unfortunately it didn't happened I know what's the pain of living without a mother's shadow and care is , ridhima I was 7 when my mother left this world and Anu mom loved us like her own kids but believe there wasn't a single day when she didn't used remember you or cry in your memory, she always used find you in us .....

Ridhima I know you feel cheated after knowing that she loved us as a mother while she already had a daughter whom she barely saw years ago, and it's absolutely okay!! But don't you think you should listen her side of the story too ? "

Ridhima was getting convinced to her statements , now she was in a state of doubt that is she really doing right by behaving strange with Anu?

Ishani held her hand and said "I knowits difficult for you and it would take time but I would be really happy if you'll once clear everything with mom. "saying so she left the room


Next Morning

Now Riddhima had finally thought that she would talk to Anupama because she knew that if she wanted her to get well then she had to listen to her side of story also ..

She went towards her room and she knocked the door and was about to open the it when she heard her "ridhima beta come inside I know it's you only" ridhima thought anupama must be sleeping as it was just 7 in morning but to her surprise she was already wake up and maybe she was waiting for her only...

Ridhima entered inside and went near her and sat at side she held anupamaa's hand and slowly caressing her she said " I wanted to talk to you maa.. ' it was first time in 5 years ridhima called her maa anupama was very happy and had tears in her eyes
What what did usaid say once again please,,

Maa ' saying this anupama quickly hugged ridhima tightly ....

That's it for today guys see you soon with next update ❤️

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