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Today was my first day at UA. You woke up groaning since you HATED mornings. You pressed dismiss on your phone and headed downstairs to watch TV to wake up. When you checked the time you thought you should start eating, you got some breakfast and grabbed some left over boba, "ahhh my favorite :)" you loved boba. You ate your breakfast and when you finished you started getting the feeling of being watched. It was creepy. You decided to get dressed in the closet, just to be safe, you knew you'd laugh about it earlier. You brushed your teeth and put all your stuff in your backpack. You texted the group chat with Alana (I'm adding myself in this story) and Mina, they are my best friends, you were friends with other classmates too but Alana and Mina were your besties. You asked them to meet up with you in the front of the school. You were all pretty nervous since it's the first day. Alana said her boyfriend Todoroki was joining us, that's to be expected. I've always wanted a boyfriend but I've never found anybody as attractive as the BTS boys 🙄 so I've never had a boyfriend. Sure, I've gotten asked out but I've never dated anybody. I'm happy for Alana though, she's happy and Todoroki is a nice guy. Mina is also single so I'm not too lonely haha.. as I was leaving my house, I saw my neighbor walk out. I walked slowly so it wouldn't be too awkward walking too close to him. He looked at me and smiled a little but quickly hid it so I didn't see. "You don't have to be shy" I know he said something nice but his voice makes it seems like he's forcing himself to be nice. "Oh okay" you walk next to him. "I never caught you name, I forgot to ask yesterday" you said "Bakugo." "Oh cool" you noticed he had the UA uniform on "you go to UA?" "Yeah." "Oh same, what class?" "1A" "me too" "and what's your name." "Oh right, it's Y/N L/N" the rest of the walk was quiet but it was comfortable silence. You got to the school and saw your besties "Mina, Alana!" You all run to each other and hug each other. We didn't get to hang out much during the summer since some of us were almost always busy. Todoroki just said hello to me and I said hi back. I realized Bakugo was just standing there "who's this?" Alana asked eyeing Bakugo "ooo" Mina added "this is Bakugo, my neighbor. I met him a while so we walked to school together" "oh okay" Alana said still eyeing him "you can go ahead Bakugo" you said and Bakugo just slowly walked away. When he was gone however you felt like you were being watched again. What a pain. "Come on Y/N" Alana said. "Okay" I replied
———————TIME SKIP———————-
You Mina and Alana finally found class 1A. Oh Todoroki too, I always forget he's there. He's always quiet unless somebody speaks to him. We walked in and we all chose a seat. I was next to Alana and Mina. Alana was in the middle and Todoroki sadly (to Alana anyways) was sitting somewhere else not next to Alana. Mina was next to Alana and Bakugo was behind me. We saw a few other people join in the class. The bell rang but the teacher still wasn't here. And the feeling of being watched was so intense, but finally a man who looked homeless walked in. He introduced himself as Mr. Aizawa and we started class.

—TIME SKIP cause I'm too lazy to do a whole school day—
After school you, Mina and Alana said goodbye. Todoroki walked with Alana as always and I saw bakugo walking towards me he looked a little angry but I couldn't figure out why so I asked him. "You look mad, are you okay?" "I'm fine." He was obviously not fine "no your not. Tell me what's wrong" "why do you need to know." "Your my neighbor and kind of a friend so I want to know. I'm a great listener" "well I can't tell you so leave me alone" "why not" "fine" "yay" "who is Todoroki to you. You were talking to him" huh? Why does it matter??? "Um... I don't know why it matters but he's my besties boyfriend so he comes with us to hang out" "oh okay good" he says under his breath "why?" "No reason"

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