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This chapter is in todorokis and Y/N POV

Todorokis Pov
Alana died in my arms. I didn't really feel anything at the moment. Just hatred for Bakugo. I was going to kill him. I might not actually be able to do it since I'm not in control but at least I'll die. You looked around for Bakugo. He was just in the room. You left and looked around looking like a zombie, you heard him call your name. You went to him and saw him in the basement. You went down and right when you reached it he grabbed you and you passed out.
When you woke up you were tied to a chair in the basement you looked around and saw Bakugo. There was a kitchen in the basement and you saw Bakugo doing something there. He turned around and said "I have a surprise for you" with the most horrifying grin. You didn't care though. Until you saw what it was. Bakugo was holding a hot tea kettle. Oh god. "You like it? Took a while to get just right. This is going to be fun"
Back with Y/N
When Todoroki left you held Alana. She wasn't dead. She couldn't be. You checked over and over and, she was dead. You cried so much and realized Todoroki was probably with Bakugo. And we all know Bakugo is going to kill him. You were having a mental breakdown. How could he. You had to run away. Wait. HOW DID BAKUGO PUT BOARDS OVER THE DOOR AND WINDOWS. Guess I have to hide. You found a table and hid under it.
Back with Todoroki
This is how I die. It's almost funny. Bakugo walked towards you "ready?" He asked smiling "I don't have a choice. It doesn't matter if I'm ready" he smiled and poured some of the tea on your face and you screamed bloody murder. Bakugo smiled the whole time as he kept pouring it all over him. He even laughed at some points.
Back at Y/N
I could hear Todorokis horrific screams of agony. I started crying more then ever. He sounded so in pain. How could Bakugo do this. Todoroki didn't do anything. And Alana said she would leave us alone. They didn't deserve this. How could he do this. How could a human being be this evil. After a while Todoroki stopped screaming. You guessed he was dead. You heard footsteps going up the basement steps. You had to calm down and not make any more noises. You covered your mouth when you saw him. He went upstairs where you were. When he saw you weren't there he laughed. "Sweetheaaart~" you tried your hardest to keep quiet "come out noww~" did he really think you would? "It's over~" he walked in the kitchen and my heart slowed down. You tried your hardest to not make any noises. But you had a feeling he already knew where you were. "Sweetheart~ I know where you are. Will you come out. I miss you. I don't want to force you to come out." You stayed where you were just in case he actually didn't know where you were. He looked right at the table. You backed up to the wall still under the table in hopes he doesn't find you. You heard him walk towards the table. "Oh Y/N, I thought you'd cooperate. Guess I'll have to use force" he bent down and you can see his shadow behind the table cloth. His arm went through in attempt to grab you. "Stop! Leave me alone you psycho! You're crazy! You killed my best friend and her boyfriend! I can't forgive you! What is wrong with you!" You heard him sigh. "Oh, sweetie. There was a reason. Alana wanted to take toy from me. She knew she wouldn't be able to but she still wanted to. And she brought Todoroki for help. You see, my sweet she was planning on taking you from me. You're mine and I can't let that happen." "YOU'RE CRAZY LET ME GO I HATE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL" he lifted the table cloth and smiled "I'm crazy for you"

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